Originally Posted by fishmom
Congratulations! If it is happy, you will get a succession of these little glories. Enjoy!!!
Yes! I got two more blooms and I think more are coming!!!!
---------- Post added at 04:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Orchidtinkerer
it is a nice flower but not a nice smell. Luckily it is so small only the stink beetles it is trying to attract (flower is shaped like a stink beetle bum) can smell it.
Oh my! I have not taken a whiff yet but will do so tomorrow.
Odd thing: Now that you've said this about stink beetle bums, I realized that only just recently I noticed a few stink beetles inside the house. This is def strange though I have had a few somehow over winter with me and come out before to 'hug' orchid blooms. They showed up (from WHERE???) right around the time this little bugger started blooming.
How much do you know about stink beetle bums??? I was wondering about stink beetles and those hugs last winter when I would have an orchid in total full bloom, would find a stink beetle 'hugging' a blossom and then inexplicably the whole bloom stalk would just wither up like - Show's Over! - when it would normally have at least another month to go full bloom.
I was suspecting that somehow the beetles were pollinating the blossoms. This happened on two plants I remember finding huggy beetles on and each time it was within a day or two the blooms started drying up and the orchid said I'm done. It's usually maybe 2-5 beetles I end up escorting out of the house.
I'm not convinced they are harmless. I don't understand where they are coming from but they must find hidey holes in Fall and tuck away for the winter, then magically come out only when my orchids start blooming. Conspiracy theory alert!!!!!