a separate question, it appears like there is a lot of decayed moss on the outside of the moss ball? is that accurate? is that something to be concerned about that or is that by design?
All the ways I grow are dictated by the choices I have made and the environment in which I live. Please listen and act accordingly
Rooted in South Florida....
DirtyCoconuts, Angraecum urschianum grows in very humid places where 2000 mm of rain falls a year. You only get 1,500 mm of rain a year in South Florida. Dried algae on a moss substrate only confirms that it needs a moist content. While trying to contain both my Angraecum aloifolium.
Thanks, everyone. Now that the flower has matured a bit, the spur straightened out making it easier to measure. So we have a 3/8 inch ( 1 cm) flower, with 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) leaves, with a 4 inch (10 cm) spur.
Roberta, please tell me how long your Angraecum urschianum blooms?
Hmmm.. I don't remember exactly. It didn't bloom last year. Growing, looks healthy, but no flowers. I recall that the flower lasted several weeks (rather good for an Angraecum)