Originally Posted by Clawhammer
Only water once a week huh? How long does it take to dry out? I water mine daily, but it dries out in 6-8 hours
Sometimes every 5 days, sometimes every 7 days. Depending on my schedule. I'm old school (per se), no auto misters or high tech gadgets. Watering is done manually. Might sound labor intensive to some, but I dedicate a few hours during the week for all watering tasks (done on a consistent schedule). This allows me to pay more attention to my plants during the process.
All of my mounted orchids have a layer/pad of LFS (helps to retain moisture). Orchid mounts are soaked (not misted), and my potted orchids are drenched with a hand sprayer. This particular terrarium (where the
prenticei hangs) is designed in a way that works out well for my plants. More importantly, it works for me.
A fan mounted to the top of this set-up pushes air downward. A tray in the bottom (kind of like a reservoir) holds about 3 inches of H2O. A small micro water pump circulates the water within the tray (pump runs 24 hours a day). The fan not only provides gentle air circulation inside of the terrarium, it also helps to evaporate the water being circulated in the tray.
Lights and fan are energized (on/off) via a simple timer, photo period is around 10 hours. RH stays anywhere from 70-85% while lights are on, and in the 90ish% range with lights out. Mounts remain damp/moist (not wet) for about a week. This is the reason I only water weekly year round (works out very nicely for my situation). Maybe some photos will help provide a better perspective to the words.
Fan mounted on top
Micro water pump
Some of my potted orchids in this set-up