Originally Posted by Dollythehun
Very nice job! Proud of you SaraJean! Now I have this huge denrobium that needs a home...
If you build it they will come... I love my big tall Dens and they are finally getting good light in this thing so I’m hoping I’ll have a better round of blooms next year
Originally Posted by katrina
You did an awesome job with the structure! I never would've guessed it was your first big build.
thanks! Google and YouTube kept me out of too much trouble.
Originally Posted by Roberta
That is gorgeous! I would not have been brave enough to tackle such a carpentry project! (My own DIY structures are build out of conduit - not nearly as attractive, but also require neither skill or muscle, both of which I pretty much lack)
the conduit sounds really cool. Do you have any pictures of it? I would love to see it!
Originally Posted by Lynn in Michigan
Beautiful job. I don't have any kind of skills like that.
my skill level previously only consisted of putting IKEA furniture together...
Originally Posted by estación seca
That looks great!
Originally Posted by Leafmite
Wow! Fantastic! 
Thank you so much! Since I have such a tiny outdoor space for entertaining I really had to at least try and make it aesthetically pleasing. I really wanted to keep the tropical feel out there. Now I want to try and make a cover to fit it for the winter. That would help so much with trying to move my plants around as little as possible and avoid disasters like last winter when I dropped or knocked over about 2 dozen as I was trying to set up my last greenhouse.