That's a great set up. I am setting up something similar, using a high pressure pump, similar to what they use for RVs. May or may not be the same thing you have, but I wanted to ask if you knew if you had to pressurize a tank, or if you could just use the pump straight to the hose lines?
Reason I ask is I am going to run a recirculation system and reuse the water for a few days before replacing it, and I'd rather not have a pressurized tank of water that might have mold etc... inside. So I plan on running the pump on a couple times a day for 5 minutes or so. They're all vandas at this time, so need thorough soaking, and then need to dry off.
Could you elaborate on how you picked a drip emitter or a sprayer? I have right now all sprayers, and I would think a drip emitter would just literally, drip, and only make one part wet, not getting the whole root system. I'm thinking of mounted plants mainly...
The pump I got is rated at 60PSI, 4GPM, but I plan on reducing the pressure to 30PSI or so for the sprayers.
Great job, I'll try to post pics when I get mine going, which is still a long way off beacuse I don't even have the tank complete!