I wanted to show you guys my new set up! Unfortunately, my room only has a north-facing window, so I'm supplementing for now with one of Ray's LED lights. I love it--hopefully I can get another one after Christmas
So, without further ado:
Left to right, we have: Zygo. Advance Australia 'HOF'
Zygonisia Cynosure 'Blue Birds'
Onc. NOID (suspect Tsiku Marguerite)
Hwra. Lava Burst 'Pacific Sunrise'
Dtps. Kenneth Schubert 'Blue Star' x Doritis pulcherrima 'blue'
Doritis pulcherrima var. champorensis (pink)
Phal. NOID
Paph. Olivia 'TooGooDoo' x self
Not pictured: NOID Phal
Onc. Twinkle 'Pink Profusion' (in ICU

I put that little sculpture up top, and my mom said it looks like I'm commanding the plants. LIVE darn you!