My husband is fantastic. He created two totem poles fore to hang my orchids from recycled wood. Wood from a sliding wooden door from our parents place. Now the bulbos and dens can have more light.
It is hard to take a pic of the whole pole to see the plants but this is a great way to create space. I find all my bulbos do better mounted than in a pot anyway. The slugs n snails and worms can't get to them.
It's a lovely oasis you both have. Am I correct in thinking that you're able to keep plants outside all year? the hubby for hire? All your photos are wonderful and I always look forward to seeing them.
Thanks all!! Unfortunately the hubby is not for hire.... And yes, I can keep my orchids 'outdoors' the whole year cause I am in the tropics. This is one growing area, the more 'civilised' one, away from fauna of a real garden so fewer pests, spiders, slugs... the one at the back of the house gets all sorts of insects. But I have to live with it so as not to kill all of us with too much insecticide etc!