Feeling a little shy here, because, compared to so many of you, I am SUCH a novice! Despite the fact that I've been keeping orchids over the past 20+ years, it has been an intermittent hobby, often with breaks because I got so discouraged. Well - I am happy to report that, though I am FAR from being "she who knows a lot now", I can at least claim to be "she who is learning more and having more successes!!".
First, I use no artificial lighting. I know that will get some heads shaking, but I have tried to work with species and hybrids that, for the most part, are canopy-dwellers, or in dappled shade on the ground; a few higher-lighting-needs 'chids thrown in because I HAD to try them, and they are closest to the windows.
I have 2 areas for the orchids - main growing area is in the kitchen. This consists of 2 racks that I made from PV C and 1/2 inch heavy plastic mesh. This makes sure nobody is sitting in water. I have a small humidifier beside the racks, on a timer, for 15 minutes every 2.5 hours for fogging. In addition, I water with a battery-powered water wand/canister, and mist with a spray bottle. The kitchen windows are north and east facing.
The other area is in my den. This window faces west, but is somewhat shaded from direct sun by a lot of trees in the yard. This area is for the bloomers

They get to keep me company, and act as a gorgeous backdrop for my 8 bettas. The bettas get shade from the orchids, and the orchids get ambient humidity from the betta tanks. Additional
misting and watering here, too, of course.
Thanks for looking - sorry this is so long-winded!!


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