Update on the living wall.
This is the first time I've had to remove plants because they grew too well. So the Madagascar Jasmine and two of the three anthuriums are gone, replaced with more catts and an Ascocentrum miniatum on the wall, and some phrags in the catch basin.
The big oncidium in the basket grew a huge new pb and is now in bloom. It's most likely a Sharry Baby, it certainly smells like it. It's making me and the kids crave chocolate all the time.
The phal wiganiae that was in bloom several months ago is in bloom again. I also added another fragrant noid phal beside it, and it's about to bloom.
My most recent additions to the wall are two Sarochilus seedlings - at the last SOOS meeting (Southern Ontario Orchid Society) the speaker was a local Sarochilus grower, and as soon as I heard 'lithophytic', I was all over them. I hope they do well.
I also added two more mature mini-catts. They're growing well, but they also illustrate clearly why one needs to place only young seedlings on the wall. The mass of existing roots will never attach to the wall, only new roots will do so. However, with so many existing healthy roots, the plants don't have the need to grow new ones, so they will take a long time to get established. However, they're doing quite well as they are. One even bloomed, as it had a tiny bud (that didn't blast!!) when I added it to the wall.