Orchid Boy that's really beautiful! What's the mount? I LOVE it!
I have five paphs, all obtained earlier in the summer. Historicly, Paphs don't like me...sniff.
Four of the five are in S/H. I thought twice about doing that because I felt like I should learn how to grow them in a pot first and at least be successful with their "normal" culture. So I read...and read....and read...
Seems everyone is very successful with them in S/H and unlike Phals, they seem to adapt quite nicely for everyone at any given time. So I did it.
The oldest of the five developed some black areas at the base. I used Physan 20 on it. Carol, you advised me on the issue related to their need for calcium so I started giving them some lime.
The problem with the lime however, is that it collects at the bottom of the S/H pot and doesn't easily flush out. He's alive and growing. The others don't have the issue, I assume because I've been giving them calcium too.
Carol...now that you've got some of yours in S/H....How are you supplementing the calcium now? Lime?
Your plants are just gorgeous! I hope to have some healthy and happy Paphs at some point in life!