Originally Posted by Gonmon
Have you looked at diy leds? You can get very narrow (like 4 degree) optics for them. That would shoot enough light down to the bottom of the wall. It might get a little complicated to figure out the mounting angle and optic needed to get the light in the right spot though...
I'd love to be able to put together my own LEDs, but I don't know where to source diodes of the correct wavelengths. Then I would need to put them into a fixture and find a single narrow spot lens for the assembly. Having 4 degree beam spread lenses on individual diodes will not give the plants the full spectrum they need.
For now, I have relented and mounted a swing arm work lamp on the edge of the planter (IKEA's Tertial). It's not attractive, and it somewhat blocks the view, but it provides the needed light from one more of Ray's LEDs.