Well since I wanted more room for more plants, and hopefully seedlings in the future!, I built a big plastic box.
The stand is made of 1x2's and plywood, and the grow chamber is 1x2's with plastic film attached. The main light is on the left, it's a DIY led rig.

It is 24 3w CREE leds, two groups of 12 powered by two ELN-LPC-700 drivers. On the right of the chamber is just a 100w pigtail fluorescent bulb in a clip on socket. I have a par38 bulb on order through a local fish guy that I'm going to try over the right side. There is only one fan in it so far, A Silverstone Suscool 121 mounted over the DIY led blowing down. I need to put more ventilation in, later.. I have a 4 bulb t5 fixture in the stand for my drosera seedlings and future seedlings/tissue culture.
Here's a Drosera binata seedling
The DIY led is mounted 40" above the shelves. Everything has been doing well for the month that this thing has been completed. Growth is decent, and some plants are blushing a bit, like this LC. Mini Purple 'Tamami'
I've got 30 or so orchids of mostly Catts, Stanhopea allies, and bulbophyllums. Those are the groups I'm most interested in and want to do some breeding with. So here are a few of my plants.
Bulbo phalaenopsis 'Pleasant Dreams'
Bud on a Paph hybrid I picked up at the Milwaukee show last weekend.
Neofinetia falcata I also got at the show.
Masdevallia erinacea in my dart frog vivarium.
Bulophyllum maquilingense also in the viv.
Kegelliela atropilosa plant

Buds, were 2 spikes but other rotted
Laelia tenebrosa recuperating after scale insect attack. The plant came to me bareroot with no live roots. The newest growth was six inches tall and hadn't started rooting when the bugs got at it. The plant stopped growing and got severely dehydrated. I sprayed it with Malthion and put the plant in a large ziploc bag with a bit of moist sphagnum in the bottom. A few days ago some roots started popping out so I put in a pot and propped the bag over it.
Blc. Rustic Spots
Mangosteen seedling starting to grow again after doing nothing for a month.
More to come, as it comes