Happy anniversary. Looks like this addiction has you well in hand. You have plenty of room left so go buy some anniversary orchids.
thanks. actually i need to organize more to maximize the space but I need to make sure it is not too crowded. hehe I might be getting paph's specie this time...
phal lueddemaniana...this is from a clump of luedde (next image) i bought last year. dark red & fragrant according to vendor but yet to see the bloom.
just keeps on multiplying no blooms...
Wow! Very impressive. You have a wonderful orchid growing area there. It looks like everything is doing really well. Congratulations of your growing skills.
That phal lueddemaniana is amazing. When it does decide to bloom it will probably put on quite a show. What kind of medium do you have it growing in?
Wow! Very impressive. You have a wonderful orchid growing area there. It looks like everything is doing really well. Congratulations of your growing skills.
That phal lueddemaniana is amazing. When it does decide to bloom it will probably put on quite a show. What kind of medium do you have it growing in?
i've been checking actually everyday for a hint of spike.. i hope it will bloom soon but i heard it is a summer bloomer. those in clump mounted in custom made coco fiber with osmunda in center. the one in pot has lava rock with coco (ground one) on top. i think this particular luedde likes it a bit wet.