But they hate my water
When I lived in my last house we had well water, pH 5 & very buffered; they LOVED it. I had a bessea that I had gotten from a friend that wouldn't grow for her that loved my place/water/culture. But when I moved to a place with city water my Phrags started doing poorly. By that point I had 4, 2 of which died, 2 are hanging on with rain water or DDI (when it doesn't rain enough) only culture. The roots were pretty badly damaged. The Don Wimber is the only 1 of the 2 that's growing.
The funny thing is that Paphs do just fine. Also lost due to water quality have been a couple of other orchids over the past almost 2 years since I've lived there, both species, one a phal schilleriana and a dendrochillum (I don't remember the species name off the top of my head).
I guess I really do need to get an RO unit for my greenhouse.
They are just rather costly. Guess it's time to bite the bullet.