It's done, it's got irrigation, it's got chids moved to get a couple decent pictures for you My husband says I need a new project! ......REDLANDS here I come
Here are the chids all moved in. Irrigation system is working great. New roots already on the vandas. and still room for whoever I find at Redlands next week
Congrats! Looks great, hope our Florida growers see this, amazing just what can be done in a very small area to increase our orchid space, while living in paradise.. The lattice fence comes in plastic too if someone wanted to use it on a frame for porch or patio growing. Nice job. What material did you use for your roll down shades?
I used shade cloth (beige 65%)from Lowes for across the top and the front cover. I put grommets across the top to attach and make it removable, also on the 2 sides. the bottom on the side folds up to the top and the middle one folds up and catches the u hook too. I used synthetic webbing with a ring on each end to loop around and catch the middle so it won't sag. This is in a really hot spot and when you stand just inside the temp drops. Wow...big difference for these plants and me when I'm repotting in the area..
Nice job Lorraine. I'm totally jealous. Be sure to post again...AFTER the show when no doubt you'll double the population. 'cos right now they look soooo lonely