Hi, Everyone.
Back in March, 2009, I said my other half, Mike, "I have an idea!" He, at first walked away. But I drew the picture along with the measurement to convince him to make a 'Vanda house' for me. It was so cute. My Vandas thrived so well and I got inspired ( = I kept adding plants.

March 1, 2009
Within 6 months, since the original 'house' got so crowed, the house got enlarged.
September 14, 2009
A year and a half later, as of today, it is completely
FULL. Here are my options.
1. NO MORE PLANTS ( then I loose my 'membership', don't I?

2. Get rid of some plants sitting next the Vanda House, esp. my Phrags, which are really not doing well so I can add one more tray.
3. OR, move to Florida so that I can grow them outside.
March 25, 2011
Do y'all call it is a healthy hobby?