Hi guys.
Updated/changed my growing space so I thought I'd post some pics of it.
I hope you enjoy it and of course your comments are welcome.
This is the "new seedling shelf", which is actually the shelf I bought in August 2010. The big orchids needed more room to grow. I decided not to throw this out but instead use it as a growing area for seedlings. I bought the trays at OFE because I got tired of the pots getting thrown around. Photo taken March 20, 2011.
This is my new growing area. It's actually 2 shelves and I didn't use all 5 shelves that came with each unit because the plants are too tall already. I'm essentially out of room.
The area is much brighter than where they were previously and it's AWAY from everyone and everything.
See--I don't have THAT many orchids!!! Photo taken March 20, 2011.
This is my first dendrobium species; it's a Dendrobium anosmum var. alba. I purchased this in March 2011 from Kawamoto Orchids. The buds are not my doing--the plant came like this.
However, I just mounted it onto a slab of tree fern. I'm unsure whether I'm going to drill a hole in the slab and display it like that or put it inside the vanda basket.
I purchased this Myrmecophila albopurpurea from Jewell Orchids back in January 2011. I thought I'd give it another try--I killed the first one because I put it in part shade. Look at those wonderful roots!
I ordered some cholla wood because I hate this mount.
This is the same myrmecophila in spike!! WOO HOO!!
This is my Laelia superbiens var. alba 'Don Hubert Cross' CBM/AOS, as it came to me on September 29, 2010. Thi is a close-up of the spike:
This is the spike as of today: I divided this plant in 3 and I thought the spike would blast. But, it hasn't and it's over 2 feet long at this time. Photo taken today.
This is another picture of it. I'm sort of afraid of the spike at this point. Will it break? will it grow? I dunno!!
These are random pics of growth. Pictured here is a Cattleya maxima (alba x semi-alba) I purchased in January 2011 from 4331 steven, the cattleya/laelia God.
This is the second division of the Laelia superbiens I purchased from SBOE back in September 2010. I didn't think it was going to make it but look at it now!!! Photo taken on March 20, 2011.
This is a close-up of it.
And, this is an example of root growth. I'm always wondering whether the roots are growing OR WHAT?? because I never see wonderful root growth crawling all over the pots like everyone else's orchids. So, I"m always thinking it's a deliberate attempt on the part of my orchids to drive me insane. (obviously it's working). In any event, I took off some hydroton from the top of the pot and was pleased to see this from my Laelia purpurata ‘San Bar Venosa’(DIVISION) that I potted up in June 2010:
and this:
The roots actually run through the circumference of the pot; I just didn't want to disturb it more than I had to. I also happened to glance at the bottom holes and saw some roots winding down there as well.
This is one of the seedlings I bought from SBOE back in November. It's happy in its new home; and I'm hoping they will grow well this year:
Whew...well, that's all for now.

Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed my humble accomplishments.