those yittle glass jars have hold all kinds of things from doritos to epicattleya's...mind you they are only supplemental enclosures and the plants can be easily removed...they sit in the east window most times and get put on the shelf in the night when I want to look at them. Most things I have are for me to be able to pick them up take them around the house move em around some...I like to move things around. a lot
The moss has been no trouble but they are only a few months old from creation..I have some algae growing in a few but I like algae too ya know...
I empty the water that doesn't get soaked up and put fresh water in them every week..,plus the moss had been soaked in Consan overnight just in case...
Nothing but mad science
Plastic will work it just wont transfer the moisture as well as clay does and why you dont have to water plants in plastic as much...the clay soaks up a lot of water