new growing area for this year
Have been working on this little room for a week or so....
took paneling down and sealed huge gaps to outside that were leting cold air blow in like the door was open last winter....put old stuff back up for the most part but do have one wall I will get new paneling for that is still unfinished ....took out old celing that was water damaged from a major leak before I came to stay with mom that I have had sheetrock celing installed but I still have to tape and float it and paint ect ...but it is in ...
Decided to start bringing in chids before weather gets cool enought to call for the house to need heat and stress them by moving after that ....It always causes major stress in my experiance to wait that long...
I have got a table set up and most inside as of today and with the lights on its 81 degrees right now ...about what it was outside today. LOL ran out of room on the table and have to clean up the other table to get the rest inside tomorrow but here is a first picture ....
Oh forgot to mention lights ...two 85 watt cfls so far are hung am thinking I will go with four of the 85 watt cfls this year over the tables and maybe a hps over the phaius since it will be huge this year and lol I want two or three spikes on it this year
Last edited by johnblagg; 09-20-2010 at 08:20 PM..