Wow, Lorraine, terrific loddigesiis! What a great species this is...
Rosie, I recommend keeping your plant as one piece rather than separating off the keikis to mount. A small piece will take a long time to get back to blooming size and removal of that growth will retard your larger plant's blooming as well. I think of these plants as having a vining habit; they tend to send out new growths from both bases and tips of old growths. Besides, if you leave it all together you'll have plenty more keikis within a few years.
As Lorraine's plants show off beautifully, mounting seems like the best way to grow these. They grow fine in pots but because of the 'vininess' they get pretty untidy, whereas on a mount you can just tie stray bits down to another part of the mount.
Mopani, cork, treefern, rhododendron, grapevine, and various other slow-rotting materials all work great as mounts. If you're worried about moisture put a nice thick sphag pad under the plant. With a solid piece of wood I sometimes drill a bunch of holes through it to increase surface area and moisture retention and to give the roots more places to wander.
Nenella, your plant will bloom best with a seasonal cycle to mimic its natural climate. Throughout the winter, sharply reduce (but not eliminate) water, eliminate fertilizer, and increase light until you see buds forming or new growth starting. Giving it at least a couple of weeks with nights around 60 F/16 C or below will also help induce budding.
I hope all your plants grow like weeds!