're very bad! That's why I like you so much!
(I see a little open space too
Sarah...thank you
I love it out there
I usually spend about 2 hrs in the mornings and another
1 1/2 or so in the afternoon spraying them all when the weather is hot. Now that it's cooled off a little, I skip the morning pampering and just do the 2 hrs in the afternoons instead. When it's time for repotting and actual work, I can get lost out there for hours!
When building your collection, you need to take into consideration how much time you have to spend on them. As much as I love my vandas, I've come to realize that they are a source of extra work and when I'm not feeling great, it is a problem. I'm trying not to get more vandas...trying, anyway
That's out by the pool. About 40 of the plants that are now in the room are usually out by the pool too