One of my south windows just got taken up with an A/C. I've set up those plants on top of some milk crates, but I was actually wondering if you think there'd be enough light on the second or bottom shelf for maybe phals? (plus i've been drooling at some zygos online) So far i have a couple of phals set up in a kitchen window (east) and to the sides of south window and oncs, catts a dendro and 2 african violets hanging out on the south window. Any suggestions (or should i just wait until i kill something to get more plants? so far i've only managed to flower phals so maybe i should just keep myself in check... or maybe i'm kidding myself.) The first picture is the south window and the second picture (the one sideways) is the east window. Both were taken around 7pm (i love summer!!!) The last shot is of the plants
I'd suggest get some supplemental lighting. I use Compact Florescent fixtures (CF) in my south window box-bay because the plants furthest from the windows get pretty low light, even whe the sun shines. Here's the setup I grow, and bloom, lots of hi-light plants under this lighting. Bulbs available here -> 2 to 200 Watt Compact Fluorescent Bulbs : I use the 105 watt bulbs.
Hey there, Irrk! I'm getting ready to add some supplemental CFL lighting to my set-up too. I'm actually needing to add light to smaller area, measuring about 30"W x 24"H x 12"D. I'm wondering if adding a standard clamp-on light reflector to the CFL bulb would be helpful in getting the most bang from the bulb, or if leaving it bare would be better? Whadya think, Ross?