I ordered Sedirea japonica from Oakhill...and a Neo for the other project...and a Cym. hookerianum to keep them company; then I decided that maybe I would like one of the smaller forms of Sedirea as well, so I purchased the diminuitive yellow form from Orchids Limited to round out the lot. I have a feeling next well will be a big one for plants in boxes--I have cymbidiums from 2 other vendors that will be arriving as well...
I've never met an orchid I couldn't kill...
I placed my order at Oak Hill, tonight. Sedirea is on the way, and since I refuse to believe that any of them hold a candle to Den. harveyanum.... I ordered that one, too! Now if #1 & #2 can just keep from fighting (being packed in the same box for that long ride), I'll get to try them both.