Originally Posted by sherry fehr
Do you know if the sedirea is available in Canada?
Sherry, I just gave Shirley all this info, since she's in Van City
The Vancouver Orchid Society show is May 3rd and 4th. J&L Orchids (
J&L Orchids ~ Home Page ) will be there and they sell them, so you can order it from them and ask them to bring it, if you want to go to the show.
Orchids in Our Tropics (
Home - Orchids In Our Tropics ) will also be there, but they don't haveit listed on their site,and I haven't seen it when I visited them.... But you can always call and ask. I got a Neo falcata from them, and it's not listed.
If you don't mind waiting for shipping (which happens in May up here anyway) Paramount Orchids (
Paramount Orchids ) is based in Calgary, AB and have it listed under their Species in the Plant Listings
Also Shrieber's Orchids (
Yvonne's Orchid Fancy ) is in Zephyr, ON. I don't see it listed, but you can email them. I've seen them with nice ones at shows.
Happy Hunting!!