Project 6b - Spring 2008 - Final Poll
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Old 03-26-2008, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by LauraN View Post
I am just curious, but could everyone post which plant is their favorite in the group ? I see that some people check the tally before they vote...If you couldn't check and just had the slate of plants...which would you choose.
It might be interesting to see how the votes would have differed.
I put my vote on the Bulbo dearei
I couldn't see the tally before I voted. All I saw was the list of plants. The problem is that while there are people still trying to decide, the rest of us all discussing the current tally, and influencing those undecided people. Maybe voting should have only only by PM to Sue, who would have kept it secret until the end. But that wouldn't be as fun!!

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Old 03-26-2008, 10:13 AM
calvin_orchidL calvin_orchidL is offline
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I actually didn't see the tally before I voted either (although I suppose it doesn't matter since I was one of the first people to vote anyway)...I clicked 'vote' and then as the page was about to load I glimpsed the 'view current poll results' and I was like DARN!

I voted for my favorite - dend tetragonum .. although bulbo sumatranum and dearei were close seconds!
Old 03-26-2008, 10:14 AM
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I would put my vote on the Masd. infracta
Old 03-26-2008, 10:14 AM
kiki-do kiki-do is offline
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I think it's exciting to watch it unfold. Last I looked, the Sedirea was tied with the Dend. and now the Dend. has taken a slight lead.
Now, if I were a betting girl..........
The fun thing is that I do not have either of these orchids....yippee cowyeah!
Old 03-26-2008, 11:13 AM
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Originally Posted by stonedragonfarms View Post
Just a Sedirea note...Orchids of Los Osos has them on e-bay right now in their "buy it now" section at $7.50 for NBS/BS...this is bare root of course... not to sway y'all or anything
I wouldn't recommend ordering from this vendor as you will most likely get traveling companions you hadn't bargained for.
Old 03-26-2008, 11:58 AM
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Again...right now, until I get a response from Jason on if he's joining us...Den Harveyanum is NOT in the lead
There is one extra vote showing on it.

That being said...I got this as a response to my email to Oak Hill this morning...what a great company to write back and be so honest about it:

We'd love to help you out with this project again... you might want to pick a different plant though...
we do have lots of the Dend. harveyanum, however, they are not a very strong growing variety. They never have many leaves, some are still just bulbs, and no new growth has started this spring yet... they are cooler growing, and not one of the easier varieties of Dend. to grow... one of those that always looks like dead sticks. There was a few last week that were setting buds an their leafless bulbs, so they are blooming size, but they never get very big. Just want everyone to be happy, and these don't look like much!! Please let me know if I can be of further help!!
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Old 03-26-2008, 12:00 PM
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Well I said the heck with it and voted as if I had never seen the current tally since I can't make my mind up.
Old 03-26-2008, 12:10 PM
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Thanks Royal and Becca...9 to go
Old 03-26-2008, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by cb977 View Post
That being said...I got this as a response to my email to Oak Hill this morning...what a great company to write back and be so honest about it:

We'd love to help you out with this project again... you might want to pick a different plant though...
we do have lots of the Dend. harveyanum, however, they are not a very strong growing variety. They never have many leaves, some are still just bulbs, and no new growth has started this spring yet... they are cooler growing, and not one of the easier varieties of Dend. to grow... one of those that always looks like dead sticks. There was a few last week that were setting buds an their leafless bulbs, so they are blooming size, but they never get very big. Just want everyone to be happy, and these don't look like much!! Please let me know if I can be of further help!!
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Now I am scared to try and grow Dend. harveyanum!
Old 03-26-2008, 12:15 PM
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I finally decided as well... I would have liked to have gotten one of the miniature varieties of Sedirea to grow (still might do that in any case!) but because I know there are several people who already have this plant and probably won't participate if its chosen as they don't have room for duplicate plants, I didn't vote for it.

I went for the dear dearei instead, as I really like these project introducing me to plants I would not normally otherwise choose and grow.

Before Sue posted the info about Harvey, I would have said that a Den would be perfect for the project, as I've seen a few people say they can't grow Dens - and this is also just what these projects are for!! Everyone will have lots of help and support in the growing process, and with that, you just might find that Dens aren't as difficult as people expect them to be! Certainly the ones I have are some of the easiest things to take care of, as I basically have to ignore them for a few months every winter (instead of fretting that the house isn't warm enough, like I do for some of my other things!).

I really hope the Bulbo wins, as my one lonely Bulbo would really like some company!!
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