As long as Photobucket seems to be cooperating...
With rainy season started, I went ahead and mounted my Leptotes. This was yesterday, so we'll see how it goes. It seems to be pretty happy here actually (at least it was in its pot!), the new growth is about as big as any of them and it has more nubbins started.
Instead of the piece of lava I originally planned on using, it's on bark. We had lightning strike and explode a big swamp maple in the front yard, there was bark everywhere. Some of the pieces were intriguing looking from a growing orchids viewpoint, with hollows and concavities. The bark is about 1/2"-1" thick, with the solid inner layer. One was the perfect size for the Leptotes, with a small hollow with a channel leading from it to drain excess water. Hopefully maple is suitable for mounts!