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No-Pro-mwa 04-28-2016 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 801789)
I went to order from him recently, including something he had that I really wanted, and... it was gone. I placed my order and asked to buy even a small straggler of the sold-out plant. He sent it as a gift.

I haven't e-mailed him on that very special plant yet. It is still freezing every night.

Leafmite 04-28-2016 01:26 PM

The coerula just arrived from Andy's! It is mounted beautifully and the roots and rest look very healthy. Kudos to Andy's Orchids!

wintergirl 04-28-2016 01:54 PM

Wow, nice looking!!! Now I want a coerulea from Andy's :(

gngrhill 04-28-2016 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 801881)
The coerula just arrived from Andy's! It is mounted beautifully and the roots and rest look very healthy. Kudos to Andy's Orchids!

Just curious, I got a mounted miltonia from Andy's last year, and looking at your cute little Catt., I just wonder how you deal when the plant has over whelmed the mount it's on. I'm sure you can't pry it off and mount it on something bigger, and I can see it being difficult to add something to the mount to make it bigger.

stonedragonfarms 04-29-2016 11:38 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Hello all. I went with walkeriana v. coerula as well; I purchased my plant on ebay. I think I might need a more robust pot than what I'd initially thought.

wintergirl 04-30-2016 12:17 AM

Can't wait to see that one bloom!

Subrosa 04-30-2016 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by stonedragonfarms (Post 802083)
Hello all. I went with walkeriana v. coerula as well; I purchased my plant on ebay. I think I might need a more robust pot than what I'd initially thought.

Very nice! I saw that plant on EBay and was very tempted!

dendro king 04-30-2016 06:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My walkeriana! Gifted to me by my boss (I work on an orchid nursery) received about last August. Grown in a ceramic orchid pot with gravel for media in high sun. The pseudobulbs always stay plump and the plant should hopefully flower this year! :lol:

Leafmite 04-30-2016 09:20 AM

Nice ones!

Yazz 05-04-2016 01:36 PM

We're back home now. My new C. Walkeriana is on it's way.

This is C. Walkeriana semi-alba 'Carmela' WCL that I bought at Lowe's in September 2015. She has flowered for me and growing three new p.bulbs.

I potted her in a net pot with peanuts in the bottom. The media is a mixture of chunky bark, charcoal and pearlite. She's in a south window with bright indirect light.

I noticed that her new p-bulbs were wrinkly all the time, so I put a saucer with a quarter inch of water under the pot. I wait for the the saucer and media to dry out before watering again.

Carmela is my first Catt. and now I wonder why I didn't grow them earlier...:)


wintergirl 05-04-2016 02:05 PM

Your plant looks great. Catts are nice, soon you will have a bunch :)

Leafmite 05-04-2016 02:07 PM

It is amazing that such a nice walkeriana can be found at Lowes! I am excited about mine!

Yazz 05-05-2016 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by wintergirl (Post 802815)
Your plant looks great. Catts are nice, soon you will have a bunch :)

Thank you for your kind words. Have to confess... Last month I went back to Lowe's and bought two more Catt seedlings. :blushing:

---------- Post added at 09:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 AM ----------


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 802816)
It is amazing that such a nice walkeriana can be found at Lowes! I am excited about mine!

It's neat that a box store would have orchids with name tags and so healthy too.

Looking forward to watching yours grow!

No-Pro-mwa 05-05-2016 12:06 PM

You guy's are so lucky to be able to find nice orchids like this at Lowes.

Lady Meera 05-05-2016 03:58 PM

Okay, I pulled the trigger. Coincidently I had just put in an order to Hausermann's this morning so I called and added the walkeriana. They have the alba. I spoke to them on the phone and they recommended the 3.5" as blooming size so it was $25 plus shipping. She said "I haven't seen any blooms yet but it's plenty big enough." We'll see!

Here is the link:
Orchids By Hausermann: Cattleya walkeriana (Compact Grower)

Subrosa 05-05-2016 04:40 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I repotted my little bag baby into a 2" ceramic pot with leca as media:

Leafmite 05-05-2016 05:06 PM

Subrosa, that is a really nice one! Looks great!

Lady Meera, I love Hausermann's! I cannot wait to see what they send you. I have had to call them before and add to my order...a few times. :)

---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 PM ----------


Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa (Post 802894)
You guy's are so lucky to be able to find nice orchids like this at Lowes.

I agree. Don't give up hope. Maybe someday yours will have them, too.

Orchid Whisperer 05-05-2016 05:09 PM

No pics right now, but all 3 of mine have new shoots and/or roots growing.

I still have not decided on mounting one of the potted ones, or whether to just leave them both in the pot. I need to look at possible mount wood pieces I have and decide if they would be a good fit for one of my potted ones.

Anyone here grow C. walkeriana mounted? If yes, would you recommend a mount straight on bare wood, or with a sphagnum pad tied over the roots? Many of the walkeriana mounts I've seen online are just roots growing on bare wood, which is how I am growing my (very happy) Brassavola 'Little Stars'

Leafmite 05-05-2016 05:26 PM

The mounted walkeriana I received from Andy's has a very thin type of moss (not sphagnum) under the roots and not much of it. Most of the roots are already beyond where the moss is. Hope that helps.

Orchids4ever 05-05-2016 05:29 PM

Your Plant looks good,Subrosa
Good Luck
And good Luck to every one ,see who has blooms to show us first.

Orchid Whisperer 05-05-2016 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 802948)
The mounted walkeriana I received from Andy's has a very thin type of moss (not sphagnum) under the roots and not much of it. Most of the roots are already beyond where the moss is. Hope that helps.

It does help - thanks! I may have some wood at home with moss already established and growing. I'll have a look tomorrow.

No-Pro-mwa 05-06-2016 12:31 PM

I wish mine biggest one would stay closer together like yours. Mine is getting to much space between the psb. Why is this?

silken 05-06-2016 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Orchid Whisperer (Post 802939)
No pics right now, but all 3 of mine have new shoots and/or roots growing.

I still have not decided on mounting one of the potted ones, or whether to just leave them both in the pot. I need to look at possible mount wood pieces I have and decide if they would be a good fit for one of my potted ones.

Anyone here grow C. walkeriana mounted? If yes, would you recommend a mount straight on bare wood, or with a sphagnum pad tied over the roots? Many of the walkeriana mounts I've seen online are just roots growing on bare wood, which is how I am growing my (very happy) Brassavola 'Little Stars'

Baker's culture in Orchid Wiz says with walkeriana it does not recommend the moss and a fairly course grooved bark works well. It says it may not become established if moss is used as it holds too much moisture.

estación seca 05-06-2016 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa (Post 803102)
I wish mine biggest one would stay closer together like yours. Mine is getting to much space between the psb. Why is this?

That's just how walkeriana grows. The coeruleas have really tight spacing, and the normal form sprawls. Look at my 2 earlier in the thread.

Jenascrich 05-06-2016 05:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
So glad I can participate as it will be a great way for me to learn. is this the thread that we are using the throughout the project? I was going to order one online expecting to pay about 35.00 with shipping. I decided to check Home Depot really quick with no expectations and BAM!! Got the last one for 7 bucks!

Attachment 120682

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Jenascrich 05-06-2016 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 801213)
I just went to the nearest Lowes and, amazingly enough, they had bag babies ($6.98) and, even more amazingly, they had a Cattleya walkeriana 'Carmela' seedling. It wasn't in the greatest shape but it does have a new growth so I am not too worried. I am soaking it in Seaweed solution overnight to give it a boost. Comparing it to my older C. walkeriana, it is going to be a few years before it blooms.

I just bought the same one at Home Depot. I was so happy, so everyone should check both stores as it was only 7.00

silken 05-06-2016 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Jenascrich (Post 803141)
So glad I can participate as it will be a great way for me to learn. is this the thread that we are using the throughout the project? I was going to order one online expecting to pay about 35.00 with shipping. I decided to check Home Depot really quick with no expectations and BAM!! Got the last one for 7 bucks!

Attachment 120682

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Wow! Lucky you!

Jenascrich 05-06-2016 06:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is my little guy I got today
Attachment 120683

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yazz 05-06-2016 06:33 PM

Just got my coerulea today in the mail. It's a little guy. Hope it flowers this year...

u bada 05-06-2016 06:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
hey, fun post... probably my favorite cattleya species. and probably because it's one of the smallest and has a big flower and can grow outdoors in LA!

I finally just got one in winter 2015, a seedling from Cal orchid, an alba x semi alba (pendentive x tokyo #1) and been waiting and waiting for it to bloom... they sorta said it was pretty close to blooming size but no such luck. pic attached.

It grew one nice growth last year and that's about it. it gets fairly high light outside on my balcony (get's down to upper 30's for a spell in winter, and up to mid 90's, sometimes more in summer), and i spray water it mostly when I water down the mounts (I can overwater potted plants, so just trying to keep steady with this guy)... reading info here, i guess I'll soak water it more.

Considering what i've read here don't feel so bad it hasn't flowered for me yet, waiting 3 or 5 years would drive me nuts though!

all you people who can find it at lowe's, OMG you lucky bastar*'s! (well, maybe i should go look now)

estación seca 05-06-2016 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Jenascrich (Post 803141)
...I was going to order one online expecting to pay about 35.00 with shipping. I decided to check Home Depot really quick with no expectations and BAM!! Got the last one for 7 bucks!

So now you have $28.00 to spend on other orchids.

Yazz 05-06-2016 09:17 PM

Was planning on trying to grow her outside, but considering the small size, worried about frisky squirrels or even a bird poop damaging her.

Potted with red lava rocks at the bottom and chunky bark mix on top.

My coerulea...


u bada 05-06-2016 11:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And by the way, there's some flexibility to grow this species... as per epiphyte78's pool gallery... (also attached)


Jenascrich 05-07-2016 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 803172)
So now you have $28.00 to spend on other orchids.

And that's what I did.... I went to a nursery to get my mom and my aunt a plant for Mother's Day. Since caring for orchids is new to me, I am all excited so even though I paid 7.00 bucks for the project at Home Depot. I bought three more orchids at the nursery then of course, I need three planters, then three hangers. Lol... To make matters worse, Friday there is a big orchid show in south Miami that I am going to. I can see how people can easily accumulate so many orchids. They are so beautiful and unique.

Leafmite 05-11-2016 02:05 PM

Yazz, where did you get your C. walkeriana? Just curious. :)

twinofmunin 05-11-2016 02:34 PM

Received my project plant, a coerulea... bit small yet, so we'll see how far it gets over the summer. Not sure yet how I'll pot it up... sphag in clay seems like it might be tricky for me.


stonedragonfarms 05-11-2016 10:05 PM

Show of hands:
Who's growing under lights, who's on the windowsill with no supplemental light, who's outdoors and who's in a greenhouse?

Mine will be under lights for the time being, but may transition to the gh if it looks like it'll be happier there.

estación seca 05-11-2016 10:11 PM

Sunroom, which is much more humid than the house. Like a greenhouse with only one glass wall and a solid roof.

wintergirl 05-11-2016 10:37 PM

Laundry room, in front of glass sliding doors on a North window with added light. I have cement floors so I can spill water freely :)

Orchid Whisperer 05-11-2016 10:55 PM

Outdoors until I can't be.

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