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Mandy2705 08-08-2015 01:26 AM

Leafmite, we can say we won't buy much more orchids but that is never the case lol what is going to happen to us?? My BF and I always discuss finances and my orchid purchases comes up for discussion all the time. He asks when will I be satisfied.....I don't know what to say!? He laughs it off but I don't know when this urge will subside 😔 oh well lol at least it's a healthy addiction right? Cntry, that's good to know, I grow mine inside too, but here in CO it's kinda dry. It's doing ok and that's all I want :)

Leafmite 08-08-2015 05:29 PM

My problem is that I am always seem to find something new to try. :|

gngrhill 08-08-2015 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 767067)
My problem is that I am always seem to find something new to try. :|

yeah, that seems to be my problem, too :lol:

shadytrake 08-14-2015 08:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is my new high humidity area. I got these at a garage sale. I hung the Amesiella in the tank. They seem to be doing much better. The roots are greening up. The way you know they are liking it is if they pump out thicker roots.

Cntry 08-14-2015 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by shadytrake (Post 767913)
This is my new high humidity area. I got these at a garage sale. I hung the Amesiella in the tank. They seem to be doing much better. The roots are greening up. The way you know they are liking it is if they pump out thicker roots.

I love the little fish bowl idea... That is cool mel. Do you have water laying in the bottom of them as well as the fish tank?

shadytrake 08-14-2015 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Cntry (Post 767921)
I love the little fish bowl idea... That is cool mel. Do you have water laying in the bottom of them as well as the fish tank?

Yes. I have rocks in the bottom with water.

AuGrower 08-15-2015 12:45 PM

I put mine in my GH on a kool log and it seems to be liking it better than inside the house so far. I'll snap a picture when I get back. Still sloooowww on growing its new roots, but the leaves are a better color and seem plumper.

reliablefool 08-24-2015 01:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Possible spike? Looks mitten-ish.

shadytrake 08-24-2015 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by reliablefool (Post 769227)
Possible spike? Looks mitten-ish.


gngrhill 08-24-2015 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by reliablefool (Post 769227)
Possible spike? Looks mitten-ish.

Looks promising :)

reliablefool 08-24-2015 07:38 PM

I had been eyeing that spot since it arrived because it seemed swollen, but nothing started to poke through until a week ago. It's been in my care for a little while now so if it's a spike I will be claiming at least partial responsibility. :P

judith_arquette 08-30-2015 03:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ugh, darn my fumble fingers :(
Dropped it the other day and thought it was ok but apparently I broke the newest leaf...
On a positive note it's begun putting out a second new root :)

gngrhill 08-30-2015 11:45 PM

Mine still looks about the same. No new leaves, haven't disturbed the bark to see if there is any root growth, but the top of the roots I can see are still green, but it still seems to be way smaller than anyone else's pictures . :(

shadytrake 08-31-2015 09:56 AM

Mine is doing better ever since putting into the high humidity terrarium. Feeling pretty good about it.

camille1585 09-01-2015 11:42 AM

My plant died :(

It was doing swell before my vacation (not really growing much, but healthy), and when I got back it was dead. Looks like it got some sort of infection, all the leaves went yellow/brown and dropped off. I was gone 3 weeks, and as with every summer i moved all the orchids to the coolest room, pulled the curtains, and watered them well. It was hotter than usual when I was gone, and I guess combined with the lack of air movement and humidity from them being watered, it got rot. 3 other orchids got it too, and 3 other orchids are nearly dead from lack of water, including my very favorite Den victoriae-reginae.

AussieVanda 09-01-2015 06:18 PM


My Green Pets 09-01-2015 10:36 PM

Mine has grown out what was left of the eaten leaf and started a new one. I am using insecticide (Imidacloprid) liberally this time. It's possible it's a slug, in which case insecticide won't do anything to help.

gngrhill 09-01-2015 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by shadytrake (Post 770091)
Mine is doing better ever since putting into the high humidity terrarium. Feeling pretty good about it.

I just recently put mine in a small fish bowl with lava rocks and water in the bottom hoping the increased humidity will bring forth some action. :)

estación seca 09-01-2015 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mandy2705 (Post 766874)
...when will I be satisfied....

That's like saying, "You already washed your hands today. Why are you doing it again?"

theloyalplum 09-01-2015 11:59 PM

Condolences for the loss. :/ Leaving on vacation for a week made me anxious to get back. 3 would've been killer!

Small update. Recently moved back to my apartment with a new windowsill greenhouse. 70-80% RH with temps up to 85 and low at 68-70F. It's still alive and even put out a small root tip that is growing ever so slowly. No sign of a new leaf yet, so here's to hoping!

nenella 09-02-2015 09:17 AM

Oh dear sorry Camille!
Mine and my mothers have not shown any new growth both have 4 leaves... Can't see about the roots as now repotted in net pots with sphagnum

No-Pro-mwa 09-07-2015 11:52 AM

Well mine is not doing well at all. It must have gotten a fungus or something from another orchid and I had to cut off the new leaf. The older leaves still look OK. I had gotten a Zygo hybrid and yes I had them away from my other orchids but I had gotten several sort of at the same time so those had to be put together in isolation. I just can't keep every new orchid by itself. So this zygo hybrid started getting spots on the leaves and I was just thinking this was normal as I'm sure on here I've read they do that sometimes. I had to leave for a couple of days and when I got back the new growth had just turned brown and my cola plant had sunken spots starting on the new leaf. I sprayed it with a fungicide but nothing changed. The new leaf just kept getting worse so I finally cut it off and put cinnamon on it. I'm sickened. So now we will see.

Leafmite 09-07-2015 12:14 PM

Mine is getting a new leaf.

gngrhill 09-07-2015 12:37 PM

Mine is still doing nothing, but at least it's not dying (yet)

judith_arquette 09-13-2015 10:28 AM

A spike???
1 Attachment(s)
It couldn't be.... Could it?

theloyalplum 09-13-2015 10:31 AM

Mine lost another leaf and is now down to 2, one of which is showing signs of yellowing. :( Upside, It has one live root tip and what I think is another coming out. Maybe it's using the stored energy in the leaves to push roots? I don't know, but there's no new leaf coming out and it's worrying me.

Mandy2705 09-13-2015 11:58 AM

Judith!!! I think it's a spike!!! Yay we might actually get to see some flowers :) my tiny little spike dried up on mine. Theloyalplum, hang in there, if a new leaf is coming out, it hasn't given up yet and you shouldn't either :) I am thinking if I ever find a large enough glass orb that they sell for tillandsias, I might use it for this little plant. Maybe mount it on a small mount and place it in a glass orb.

estación seca 09-13-2015 12:09 PM

I'm unlikely to order again from somebody who can't spell the names of the plants.

---------- Post added at 09:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 AM ----------


Originally Posted by shadytrake (Post 751639)
...my greenhouse right now....

That is a really beautiful setup. Very well kept.

judith_arquette 09-13-2015 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 771883)
I'm unlikely to order again from somebody who can't spell the names of the plants.

I missed it, what happened?

estación seca 09-13-2015 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 763540)
Then it should love it here. Our temperatures vary daily without apparent rhyme or reason. There can be a 10'C temperature change from one day to the next (thunderstorms cool things rapidly here...not sure how it can be cool today and very hot tomorrow, though). :|

During our monsoon in Arizona it can be chile today and hot tamale.

gngrhill 09-13-2015 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by judith_arquette (Post 771891)
I missed it, what happened?

I, too , would like to know what happened. Looks like his post was supposed to be in another thread.

---------- Post added at 02:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------


Originally Posted by judith_arquette (Post 771862)
It couldn't be.... Could it?

Sure looks like a spike :bowing Mine still doing nothing. I guess nothing good is better than nothing bad :rofl:

estación seca 09-13-2015 02:04 PM

I joined Orchid Board after this project started, but I just read the whole thread, and I've learned a lot. Wow! Y'all have been working really hard!

I'm glad I didn't join this one because there's no way I could give this plant the cool rain forest conditions it lives in back home.

judith_arquette 09-13-2015 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by gngrhill (Post 771898)

Sure looks like a spike :bowing Mine still doing nothing. I guess nothing good is better than nothing bad :rofl:

I always say, in regards to ALL my chids, I consider anything short of death a WIN :biggrin:

shadytrake 09-13-2015 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by gngrhill (Post 771898)
I, too , would like to know what happened. Looks like his post was supposed to be in another thread.

---------- Post added at 02:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------

Sure looks like a spike :bowing Mine still doing nothing. I guess nothing good is better than nothing bad :rofl:

I haven't checked mine up close, but it seems to like the "terrarium" I'll have to go out there and peek.

reliablefool 09-13-2015 06:24 PM

Yay, someone else has a spike! Mine is progressing very slowly. Do these like fertilizer or not? Heh. I know some plants like lower TDS water, but I don't think I've fertilized mine in quite some time now so maybe that's why it is slow.

LovePhals 09-13-2015 08:27 PM

Judith Congrats on your spike? How are you growing yours?


Originally Posted by theloyalplum (Post 771863)
Mine lost another leaf and is now down to 2, one of which is showing signs of yellowing. :( Upside, It has one live root tip and what I think is another coming out. Maybe it's using the stored energy in the leaves to push roots? I don't know, but there's no new leaf coming out and it's worrying me.

What do you think happened to yours/ or why it's yellowing any ideas? I wonder if the people that are getting new growths ect. can help you. I am sorry yours is having trouble.

I am getting a new leaf and new root now. No spike, but I am happy with growth. I haven't lost any leaves since getting it which I am shocked. I wasn't sure when I bought it, if I would be able to keep it alive. I have been giving mine intermediate temps with my phals 55-80. I water when fully dry and mist daily. I also added a little humidity with an extra cup around it. During winter I add a humidifier to my grow space and I will ensure it is with my vandas which I put the humidifier next to. For now so far, so good! I really hope I get a spike soon.
I guess this is their flowering season?

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------


Originally Posted by camille1585 (Post 770264)
My plant died :(

It was doing swell before my vacation (not really growing much, but healthy), and when I got back it was dead. Looks like it got some sort of infection, all the leaves went yellow/brown and dropped off. I was gone 3 weeks, and as with every summer i moved all the orchids to the coolest room, pulled the curtains, and watered them well. It was hotter than usual when I was gone, and I guess combined with the lack of air movement and humidity from them being watered, it got rot. 3 other orchids got it too, and 3 other orchids are nearly dead from lack of water, including my very favorite Den victoriae-reginae.

Ohmygosh that's awful. I am so sorry you lost more than your Amesiella, if that wasn't bad enough :(

judith_arquette 09-13-2015 10:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by LovePhals (Post 771941)
Judith Congrats on your spike? How are you growing yours?

Thank you :) I have to admit that i was pretty excited when I saw it this morning. I grow mine in loosely packed sphag in a net basket. It gets some early morning light but the rest of the day is in bright, indirect light. I never let it dry out completely, keeping it moderately to just damp. I mist the top and aerial roots a few times a day with a solution of very weak fertilizer that has some kelp and cal mag added. When the sphag starts to approach dryness I pour a small amount of my concoction into a shallow dish and set the plant inside so that it wicks into the sphag (maybe once a week or so). When humidity is low I stack 2 small clay pots then place them inside the shallow dish with water in it and put it inside them. The clay pots wick up the water providing moisture without the basket coming in direct contact with any water...it's kind of a kooky set up but I'm kinda kooky lol

gngrhill 09-13-2015 11:12 PM

neat idea, Judith. I have mine sitting in a small fish bowl with lava rock and water in it.

judith_arquette 09-13-2015 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by gngrhill (Post 771956)
neat idea, Judith. I have mine sitting in a small fish bowl with lava rock and water in it.

I bet that looks a lot nicer than my rig job, the only thing mine's missing is duct tape..:hmm:rofl:

Leafmite 09-14-2015 01:36 PM

Yellowing leaves are often a sign of Iron deficiency or a pH problem. I am fortunate because I have a few plants that are very sensitive to pH/Iron deficiency and show me right away when it is time to treat my plants with a dose of Ironite. I usually just add Ironite to the bucket or watering can for the orchids and it dissolves over the next few weeks.

---------- Post added at 01:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------


Originally Posted by judith_arquette (Post 771955)
Thank you :) I have to admit that i was pretty excited when I saw it this morning. I grow mine in loosely packed sphag in a net basket. It gets some early morning light but the rest of the day is in bright, indirect light. I never let it dry out completely, keeping it moderately to just damp. I mist the top and aerial roots a few times a day with a solution of very weak fertilizer that has some kelp and cal mag added. When the sphag starts to approach dryness I pour a small amount of my concoction into a shallow dish and set the plant inside so that it wicks into the sphag (maybe once a week or so). When humidity is low I stack 2 small clay pots then place them inside the shallow dish with water in it and put it inside them. The clay pots wick up the water providing moisture without the basket coming in direct contact with any water...it's kind of a kooky set up but I'm kinda kooky lol

We are taking plants from very specific environments, completely unlike our own, and growing them far away in our conditions. Naturally, for some of us, it is necessary to make a few concessions for the plants to be happy. The challenge of figuring out what concessions is what makes the plant hobby forever interesting and fun.

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