I'm sorry that I wasn't around when this was the project plant. It's an orchid I've long admired and only recently picked up, and I'm still learning my way around the plant. I've got to read through this whole thread and get some ideas!
It's fantastic! Such a lovely bloom. Mine hung on for about a year and three months then it threw in the towel. These guys grow slowly and die slowly lol
I had high hopes for my orchid in this project. I bought the plant in May 2015, moved it to semi-hydroponic in March 2016 and watched it sit there for a year. Very little growth. Very discouraging.
Then I changed my cultural practices - took the shade cloth off of the greenhouse and let way more light in. All of my orchids benefited. I placed this orchid higher in the greenhouse where it would get much stronger light and it started to grow, and grow, and grow! It just bloomed this January - with four fabulous white blossoms! (I would post a picture but my tech skills are non-existant!)
For this orchid (and others) that were not blossoming, the problem was me - in my eagerness to control the high temps in the greenhouse, I was limiting the light so much that the plants were just not happy. Now, with more flexible heat control and much more light, they are rewarding me with impressive growth and beautiful flowers.
Also, I have had wonderful success, stunning plant growth and strong blossoms, using a liquid fertilizer based on earthworm castings - this has made such a difference in all my orchids!
Earthworm castings! For years I kept a bin full of red wigglers on my porch, feeding them after most meals. Despite the absurd, euphamistic term which names the stuff it's a great fertilizer.