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-   -   Project 2015 Spring [main]: Amesiella monticola (http://www.orchidboard.com/community/member-projects/84795-project-2015-spring-main-amesiella-monticola.html)

LovePhals 05-15-2015 11:50 PM

Yep, I had called hausermann Tuesday to check on my order. They apologized and said they were real busy with mothers day. I got my order today of Masdevallia Maccu Piccu and my Amesiella which is tiny!! It is healthy and has 6 leaves but small. Is it mine or are your all that small to?? I'll post pictures soon.

gngrhill 05-15-2015 11:58 PM

Mine is really tiny also, but from what I've read they all are.

RandomGemini 05-16-2015 12:21 AM

Yeah, mine is really small. From what I have found, the leaf span on these plants, at their largest will be about 7 inches across and they bloom at a VERY small size. Mine is probably a 2 to 3 inch leaf span and I have seen photos of plants that are obviously smaller than this, in full bloom. The cool thing is that it seems like the flowers are always so much larger than the plant, that no matter what size the plant is, the flowers dwarf it.

Neat species! Here's a great article I found on them:

Australian Orchid Council Inc. - Orchids Australia Magazine

MattWoelfsen 05-16-2015 01:16 AM

Thank you for the link, RandomGemini!

Dcchase 05-16-2015 09:56 AM

Hi, my Amesiella monticola will arrive later today from Ray's new shipment. Yeah! I'll post some pics after it arrives.
I am totally new to this orchid. Can anyone tell me what it needs to thrive on a window sill or under lights?

Thanks so much!

camille1585 05-16-2015 02:56 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Seeing how I struggle to remember to water mounts daily, I've decided to unmount my plant and pot it up. Not a difficult task since it wasn't really established on the mount. It the end I decided to pot it in medium/chunky bark, in a net pot which I placed inside a plastic pot to maintain humidity (a technique that works well for me). I hope Amesiella likes being grown this way! Next step is figuring out how to give it the higher humidity it likes (only 70% or so in the livingroom)

LovePhals 05-16-2015 07:04 PM

You did a great job potting her up, that looks good. I'm glad you were able to get the long roots in there. Hmm.. I didn't realize it likes humidity that high. I'm not too worried about that. My Vandas do fine in winter with my sub-par humidity of 30-50% so I think my new Amesiella will be ok too I hope. I usually get 50-70 in summer though. I just found a spot for her on my new orchid rack along with my new Masdevallia. These both like more medium light right?

LovePhals 05-16-2015 07:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is my project plant from Hausermanns! I have 2 fresh root tips that I can see on it. Has 6 leaves but 1 is yellowing so I guess 5. :) It looks healthy I am happy with my purchase.

ashley05 05-16-2015 08:10 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Mine came today. I ordered a Paph Villosum (P. Villosum x P. Villosum 'Gold Treat') seedling and the Podangis dactyloceras as traveling companions. I'll post pics of the Podangis in that thread :D.

The Paph looked good. I'm very excited about this one. I've wanted a Paph for a long time. It had two new leaves and a new root started. It had three fans, but either I broke off the smallest one, or it was actually two seedlings: one with two fans and a single fan. I can't tell :blushing:. I potted the little one separately. It's so small, I don't know if it'll live or not, but I'll give it a try.

The Amesiella looked really good. It has a new leaf and two little nubs that I'm guessing are roots.

I repotted the Amesiella into a 3" clay pot and small lava rock. I have real issues with overwatering, so this seems to work for me with other orchids so far. I was glad I did because one of the roots still had some florists' foam attached to it.

reliablefool 05-16-2015 08:14 PM

Hmm...so, I haven't done much searching, but did those of us that got ours from Hausermann's actually get monticola? I only ask because the tag says "formerly angraecum philippinense", but I found that as a synonym for amesiella philippinense not monticola. *shrug* Still happy with how the plant looks :)

LovePhals 05-16-2015 08:21 PM

They look great! :biggrin:

---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------

Well mine says Amesiella monticola so I would say yes. I don't think they are gonna sell it as that if it is not. .. Looks like one has yellow in it and one just has all white. The monticola should be all white. I won't be happy if that is not what I got.

shadytrake 05-16-2015 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by reliablefool (Post 752100)
Hmm...so, I haven't done much searching, but did those of us that got ours from Hausermann's actually get monticola? I only ask because the tag says "formerly angraecum philippinense", but I found that as a synonym for amesiella philippinense not monticola. *shrug* Still happy with how the plant looks :)

According to ISOPE, Kew and RHS, those are two separate species and are not the same plant. philippinense has a yellow throat and smaller flowers (1 1/2") monticola is all white with a cream colored anther cap and flowers up to 2.4".

If they are selling as the same plant, that is wrong. They are clearly different. I would ask them to provide a specific picture of the plant.

RandomGemini 05-17-2015 12:02 AM

This is the Amesiella that Hausermann's sells, as pictured on their flickr page. I do believe this is Amesiella Monticola. The phillippensis has a definite yellow throat, it's quite distinct from monticola.


shadytrake 05-17-2015 12:02 AM

I picked up my Amesiella at the show today. (I pre-ordered) It is really large! I pulled it out and re-potted into a 3" net pot with a loose mixture of charcoal, sponge rock, bark, peat chunk, and a couple of strands of NZ sphag moss. I will post a picture tomorrow.

RandomGemini 05-17-2015 12:05 AM

Oops! Duplicate post! My apologies!

theloyalplum 05-17-2015 01:06 AM

I just ordered mine from Ray along with a Renanthera citrina and a Christensonia vietnamica since shipping was still the same! That and finals were hard this semester. *poor me *literally

camille1585 05-17-2015 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by LovePhals (Post 752069)
You did a great job potting her up, that looks good. I'm glad you were able to get the long roots in there. Hmm.. I didn't realize it likes humidity that high. I'm not too worried about that. My Vandas do fine in winter with my sub-par humidity of 30-50% so I think my new Amesiella will be ok too I hope. I usually get 50-70 in summer though. I just found a spot for her on my new orchid rack along with my new Masdevallia. These both like more medium light right?

I soaked the plant before to make the roots more supple. And the advantage of the net pot is that the 2 long ones can just stick out through the side of the pot! The humidity requirements I got from Orchidwiz, which says 90%. I've read that they can grow fine at lower humidity, but that buds are more likely to blast if it's lower. I'll post the info from Orchidwiz


Originally Posted by LovePhals (Post 752072)
Here is my project plant from Hausermanns! I have 2 fresh root tips that I can see on it. Has 6 leaves but 1 is yellowing so I guess 5. :) It looks healthy I am happy with my purchase.

Yours is looking great as well!! :)

---------- Post added at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 AM ----------

I looked up the cultural requirements in Orchidwiz for myself, and thought that it would be nice to put together some screenshots from it and post it here as well. I hope it's readable!!

Orchidwiz Amesiella monticola
by Camille, on Flickr

AussieVanda 05-17-2015 05:41 AM

Thanks Camille. I think my challenge is going to be temperature. Im coming into the dry season now which is fine, but cone the lead up to wet season it's a lot warmer than what this plant would normally tolerate. I'm going to be doing a juggling act to find that sweet spot in the shade house.

camille1585 05-17-2015 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by AussieVanda (Post 752194)
Thanks Camille. I think my challenge is going to be temperature. Im coming into the dry season now which is fine, but cone the lead up to wet season it's a lot warmer than what this plant would normally tolerate. I'm going to be doing a juggling act to find that sweet spot in the shade house.

What about keeping it indoors during the warmer period? I know that this will be one plant that I won't put outside this summer. I suppose that it can take some warmer temps providing that the humidity stays high enough, and light not too bright.

AussieVanda 05-17-2015 06:24 AM

It may very well end up an indoors plant, or at least a patio plant.

shadytrake 05-18-2015 09:37 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Pictures of my plant. It has two growths and is very robust!

camille1585 05-18-2015 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by shadytrake (Post 752376)
Pictures of my plant. It has two growths and is very robust!

Great looking plant! :) Looks a lot like mine -- 2 growths and in a net pot.

nenella 05-18-2015 11:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
WOW very nice plant :D
mine too arrived the other day; It's mounted on a terracotta "log" Not sure I will be keeping it like this but will see how I get on with it as not easy to water and keep moist. For the moment I have soaked in a very shallow tray of water and then stood up inside a small glass vase with a bit of water at the bottom.
here is a pic.

camille1585 05-18-2015 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by nenella (Post 752394)
WOW very nice plant :D
mine too arrived the other day; It's mounted on a terracotta "log" Not sure I will be keeping it like this but will see how I get on with it as not easy to water and keep moist. For the moment I have soaked in a very shallow tray of water and then stood up inside a small glass vase with a bit of water at the bottom.
here is a pic.

Nice!! Where did you get it from? I'm always on the look out for new vendors!! :rofl: Unless you got it from someplace I know of. Any TCs with it? :)

shadytrake 05-18-2015 11:48 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, I had quite a large TC list because we were at a show and I had pre-ordered.

Rth. Pop City 'NN' - This was a replacement for an orchid that I purchased last year and immediately died. The vendor was nice enough to find an excellent red for me and even credited me an additional $5 towards another orchid.

Rth. Solar Flare 'Paradise' - A lovely yellow with flares. In bloom.
C. Tokyo Life - A freebie (Woot!)
Rth. Zul - A really interesting cross.
C. Circle of Life ('Hot Pants' AM/AOS x 'Sacred Heart' HCC/AOS)
C. kerrii x kerrii 'Michael' AM/AOS - in bloom and terrific!
C. nobilior v. coerulea x sib
C. quadricolor x sib
C. luteola - in sheath.
Rlc. Spanish Eyes 'Water'- a BIG bloom Orange.
Zygonisia Cynosure 'Blue Bird' - in bud.
Dendrobium unicum - because you can never have just one!
Den. brymerianum - finally I have located a mature plant at a decent price.
Den. cucumerinum - a project plant for Orchid Board.
Den. densiflorum OR chrysotoxum - He found it in the GH for me, but we aren't exactly sure which one it is until it blooms. No matter, I like them both. I don't have densiflorum and my chrysotoxum is NBS. We'll see. I got a nice discount on it.

Vanda Cherry Blossom (falcata [white] x ampullacea [china strain]) - not the usual pink kind. The china strain is yellow so the result is apricot color! Love it!

Dyakia hendersoniana - In spike! I killed the first one so I wanted to try again.
Vanda falcata ('Shutenno' x 'Koto') - got two just in case. nodding
Tubecentron Hsinying Girl - after seeing, I had to have one (so I got two).
Podangis dactyloceras - project plant for Orchid Board
Brassavola nodosa 'Remar' x 'Mas Major'
Epc. Painted Hill Star - A cross by Marble Branch that looks so interesting.

camille1585 05-18-2015 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by shadytrake (Post 752405)
Well, I had quite a large TC list because we were at a show and I had pre-ordered.

Rth. Pop City 'NN' - This was a replacement for an orchid that I purchased last year and immediately died. The vendor was nice enough to find an excellent red for me and even credited me an additional $5 towards another orchid.

Rth. Solar Flare 'Paradise' - A lovely yellow with flares. In bloom.
C. Tokyo Life - A freebie (Woot!)
Rth. Zul - A really interesting cross.
C. Circle of Life ('Hot Pants' AM/AOS x 'Sacred Heart' HCC/AOS)
C. kerrii x kerrii 'Michael' AM/AOS - in bloom and terrific!
C. nobilior v. coerulea x sib
C. quadricolor x sib
C. luteola - in sheath.
Rlc. Spanish Eyes 'Water'- a BIG bloom Orange.
Zygonisia Cynosure 'Blue Bird' - in bud.
Dendrobium unicum - because you can never have just one!
Den. brymerianum - finally I have located a mature plant at a decent price.
Den. cucumerinum - a project plant for Orchid Board.
Den. densiflorum OR chrysotoxum - He found it in the GH for me, but we aren't exactly sure which one it is until it blooms. No matter, I like them both. I don't have densiflorum and my chrysotoxum is NBS. We'll see. I got a nice discount on it.

Vanda Cherry Blossom (falcata [white] x ampullacea [china strain]) - not the usual pink kind. The china strain is yellow so the result is apricot color! Love it!

Dyakia hendersoniana - In spike! I killed the first one so I wanted to try again.
Vanda falcata ('Shutenno' x 'Koto') - got two just in case. nodding
Tubecentron Hsinying Girl - after seeing, I had to have one (so I got two).
Podangis dactyloceras - project plant for Orchid Board
Brassavola nodosa 'Remar' x 'Mas Major'
Epc. Painted Hill Star - A cross by Marble Branch that looks so interesting.

:yikes: Talk about a haul!!! And I hope you have space for all of that!! I'm jealous, this is the sort of orchid show haul I dream about, but I'm too sensible of a person and am too sensible with my money.

Were all of them pre-ordered, or are there a few which caught your eye at the show directly?

Leafmite 05-18-2015 01:26 PM

Wow, I love that 'log' mount. It looks really neat!

nenella 05-18-2015 01:44 PM

Melissa I agree with Camille that is an unbelievable HAUL !!!!!!!!
Camille, no not a 'new' vendor .. From Schwerter..
I actually got 2 of them (one for me, one I'll take to my mother @ the end of the year)
Then 2 Dend kingianums (same as above)
Got my mum a Dend Farmeri
Got myself an Asco miniatum (as mine Is no longer flourishing) and a phal violacea Var coerulea
I have Also ordered a podangis from nardotto and a couple other TC
With all the Bank holidays in France this month orders are taking their time arriving,,,

ddivey36 05-18-2015 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by shadytrake (Post 752405)
Well, I had quite a large TC list because we were at a show and I had pre-ordered.

Now that's a list of someone after my own heart!!!:rofl:

camille1585 05-18-2015 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by nenella (Post 752449)
Melissa I agree with Camille that is an unbelievable HAUL !!!!!!!!
Camille, no not a 'new' vendor .. From Schwerter..
I actually got 2 of them (one for me, one I'll take to my mother @ the end of the year)
Then 2 Dend kingianums (same as above)
Got my mum a Dend Farmeri
Got myself an Asco miniatum (as mine Is no longer flourishing) and a phal violacea Var coerulea
I have Also ordered a podangis from nardotto and a couple other TC
With all the Bank holidays in France this month orders are taking their time arriving,,,

I ALMOST ordered from Schwerter, but then saw that Elsner had a Phal I really wanted, and ended up ordering there, which was better in the end since shipping is 7€ cheaper (I also got the package via DPD in 2 days, while with Schwerter DHL always takes a week....) Wish I could order from Nardotto again, but shipping to the lowlands is phenomonally expensive! I need to time an order with a visit to France!

shadytrake 05-18-2015 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by camille1585 (Post 752407)
:yikes: Talk about a haul!!! And I hope you have space for all of that!! I'm jealous, this is the sort of orchid show haul I dream about, but I'm too sensible of a person and am too sensible with my money.

Were all of them pre-ordered, or are there a few which caught your eye at the show directly?

Most were pre-ordered. I get my company bonus the first week in May so there is usually massive orchid buying. Last year we built the greenhouse and I didn't buy many orchids at all. Then I sold a lot of orchids that were not flourishing and made room. We also lost around a 1/3rd of our collection 2 years ago due to a heater theft in the winter. So I am replacing certain plants as I find them.

RandomGemini 05-19-2015 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by shadytrake (Post 752495)
Most were pre-ordered. I get my company bonus the first week in May so there is usually massive orchid buying. Last year we built the greenhouse and I didn't buy many orchids at all. Then I sold a lot of orchids that were not flourishing and made room. We also lost around a 1/3rd of our collection 2 years ago due to a heater theft in the winter. So I am replacing certain plants as I find them.

I am envious of your greenhouse. I need a greenhouse... :biggrin:

AussieVanda 05-19-2015 03:24 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here's mine. It's a seedling that ive decided to repot in a round vanda style pot with volcanic rock and charcoal. I've hung it alongside some of my Angraecums just for a tad bit more shade in my vanda shade house. It's subject to a morning drenching as with the rest of the chids and fertiliser regime is twice per week at half strength but as the weather cools it will end up as once per week at half strength.

No-Pro-mwa 05-19-2015 06:08 PM

Question? So you guys were talking about the difference in the ones with the yellow center. I was just looking again at J&L and they say there's has a yellow center. should I not get this one? I am still waiting because it got cold then I went to Denver and now it is snowing as we speak.

I am hoping the end of this week I will order mine. But I want to get the right one.

judith_arquette 05-19-2015 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa (Post 752681)
Question? So you guys were talking about the difference in the ones with the yellow center. I was just looking again at J&L and they say theirs has a yellow center. should I not get this one? I am still waiting because it got cold then I went to Denver and now it is snowing as we speak.

I am hoping the end of this week I will order mine. But I want to get the right one.

The one with yellow is Amesiella Philippinense, the Amesiella Monticola is all white.

No-Pro-mwa 05-19-2015 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by judith_arquette (Post 752683)
The one with yellow is Amesiella Philippinense, the Amesiella Monticola is all white.

Well that was my jest, but they do list it as monticola. But it says it has a yellow center. Why is this so hard to figure? I wonder how many will have a yellow center in them? Not quite sure what to do. Guess I have a couple of days yet before I need to get it done, it's 34 here right now.

AussieVanda 05-20-2015 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by judith_arquette (Post 752683)
The one with yellow is Amesiella Philippinense, the Amesiella Monticola is all white.

Shannon (sorry don't know hiw to do multiple quotes)

Hope this helps.

Straight from Australia orchid council. ...

The labellum of A. philippinensis always has a blotch of yellow or pale orange. A. monticola always has a pure white labellum, however some clones may also have a couple of small spots of lemon yellow at the base of the lip.

LovePhals 05-20-2015 10:53 AM

I don't really see how popular orchid growers that have been around for some time would sell incorrectly labeled plants and not know that Amesiella phillippensis is not Amesiella monticola. I am emailing Hausermann to get clarification on the matter. I did look at the link Randomgemini provided and that was a picture of monticola so I'm not too concerned.

RandomGemini 05-20-2015 11:26 AM

I suspect this is a mistake on their labelling.

Hausermann's still labels their Phal. Bellina as Phal Violacea var. Borneo. It hasn't been called by that name in what, 20 years?

shadytrake 05-20-2015 11:32 AM

As FYI, I got my three project plants from Clown Alley. They have excellent plants and very large. John and Sandy are super nice.
Clown Alley Orchids

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