It's time to start a new project!!! If you want to know what it's about, check out this thread:
Spring 2015 project: PLANT SUGGESTIONS
If you would like to join, just reply to this thread! Also, if many people sign up and we end up doing a 2 plant project, please indicate if you prefer to buy a cool-intermediate (C/I) growing plant, or intermediate-warm (I/W).
I'll keep a list of participants in this post.
1) Camille (camille1585) --I/W-- Netherlands (EU)
2) Jonada (Daethen)-- I/W--USA
3) Mandy (Mandy2705)--I/W--USA
4) Chris (Romeomffn)--I/W--USA
5) Dede (ddivey36)--USA
6) Leafmite--I/W-- USA
7) Aussievanda-- I/W--Australia
8) RandomGemini--I/W--USA
9) Ariel (harpspiel) --USA
10) Jack (dendro king )--I/W--Australia
11) Bud--I/W--USA
12) Seleck (reliablefool)--C/I--USA
13) Hugh (hbozeman)--I/W--USA
14) Kay (ChryT) -- I/W -- USA
15) 801229001--C/I--Canada
16) gngrhill-- C/I--USA
17) Caleb (AuGrower) --I/W --USA
18) Benjamin (CPKidofAugusta)--I/W--USA
19) Shannon (No-Pro-mwa)--I/C--USA
Michael (Tschimm) I/W - Switzerland (EU)
21) Joann (Zoi2)--I/W--USA
22) Skycat--I/W--USA
23) LovePhals,--I/W or C/I-- USA
24) Paul_Mc--I/W--USA
25) CambriaWhat--I/W--USA
27) Melissa (Shadytrake)--I/W--USA
Nenella--I/W--France (EU)
29) theloyalplum--C/I--USA
30) Ashley05--I/W--USA
31) Isis (hiimisis)--I/W--USA
32) Anita (Orchid Smiles) --- C/I or I/W -- USA
33) Lynn (Lynn in michigan)--I/W --USA
34) MattWoelfsen --USA
35) vjo-- USA
36) Judith arquette --USA
37) Cntry-- USA