Andy's orchids. . .if you don't find it in his online catalog, send him an email inquiring to see if he has any in his greenhouse.
Laelia reginae. . .think the flowers could be more pink but will have to wait to see. Rosim in BR had a great pic. . .let me see if I can find it. It's one of my fave pics. . .I printed it out.
Mauro: After all this time, this photo set is one of my faves and you've got so many incredible photos but for some reason, I just LOVE this one subject and the way you handled it in particular.
Mauro: After all this time, this photo set is one of my faves and you've got so many incredible photos but for some reason, I just LOVE this one subject and the way you handled it in particular.
I've still got one bud forming in the sheath and a possible second one forming in another sheath and one big new growth. . .but the going is slow slow slow.
Well here is my update on my project plant....I am little worried. It isn't looking so healthy. I have noticed a lot of shriveling in the p-bulbs and the leaves, although I have had one new growth and a few new roots, but that is really all the roots it has after un-potting it to see what was going on. I re-potted it in small sized alifor.....alifor sucks IMO! It is always floating up when I water it....PrimeAgra doesn't do that! I should have ordered the small sized PrimeAgra and was about to to replace the alifor, but Ray doesn't recommend the small sized stuff for anything but African Violets. I don't want to keep disturbing my little one, but I am not sure what to do. I water it once a week, and I spray it down good a few times a week. It is in my orchidarium so the humidity is high. Not sure what to do, but I think the root system was rotted before I got it and that is why I did not use the same medium it came in when I repotted it. Let me know if anyone has any recommendations for me. I think it is so thirsty that even the new growth hasn't opened! Sorry for going picture crazy...but I think you will get a good idea of what is going on!
Sue, how is yours doing in Epiweb, if this is the project plant you moved into the Epiweb...I can't remember
Becca, did this come potted in a granite rock? Andy usually does that with his rupiculous Laelias. I don't have this one (I didn't participate in the Quicky) but I have L. briegeri and it looks like this in the granitic rock he supplied. I water maybe once a week and keep it in as high a light as I can find. It really wants full sun and dry, dry conditions. I'm thinking you might have an issue with the roots.