Never used the net pots, so will leave that to those that do, but I imagine the ventilation would be good and allow quicker drying.
I wouldn't recomend watering every 3 weeks for seedlings. You don't want them to be ever really wet or to dry out. So a little at a time on a regular basis is better. I use a sprayer on the roots, avoiding spraying into the crown.
I've got an Angraecum seedling, been growing like a weed since I got it with just sprayings. I moved it on to join the big plants to make way for these new seedlings, gave it it's first soak (I let water run through the pots with my big plants) and it promptly developed rot... it's now back on just being sprayed. Hoping it will survive but it's lost roots and it's central leaf, so it could still die months from now

Some phals in the same batch also lost roots to rot after their first 'real' water, though they are not as bad.