s.kallima |
04-28-2012 04:59 PM |
Yes, when I went there yesterday, they had at least 9 plants left! And, if two were already gone, I only bought one, there should be more than enough left!
Silken, the Soph. they have at HawaiianB can be from two different shipments from south-America they had in 2011. They got some late last year, mine probably comes from that shipment, because it is not yet attached to the mount (tree fern slab), and the old roots are all dead and on top of the mount, not in. Only one or two new roots have grown and are still on top of the mount.
Plants from their prior shipment have grown all summer 2011 and until now, so they are more established into the tree fern mount (I think it is the case for the regular cernua I saw yesterday.
So if your plant is from the latest batch, you will be able to remove it easily from the mount and repot it. Also, I find the tree fern slabs are easy to brake down if you soak it and use moderate force to break it because it is made of a multitude of short "sticks" (I did it for some other plants), so you can probably remove the plant even if it has roots inside the mount.