These plants are really small. They do form a clump when they get big and can be beautiful specimens.
Bud- I can see that your plant has bloomed at least four times. See the dry inflorescences sticking out between the leaves? They look like each inflorescence has had many flowers. It looks like a good plant!
Josh- Yours might have a few less pbulbs but it is still blooming size and looks healthy! I think it will be fine!
Mine came in a 2.5" pot and I can tell it has bloomed before there is a dried up bit coming out of the top of two of the pseudobulbs. It's just a teeny thing. I even got 7$ refunded from Botanica for the shipping since they didn't account for it being a miniature.
Hey Bob- I have bought many plants from Chaz Smith over the years and all the plants have been great. He is a really nice guy too! You are lucky to have him in your society!
Hey Bob- I have bought many plants from Chaz Smith over the years and all the plants have been great. He is a really nice guy too! You are lucky to have him in your society!
He is awesome and VERY knowledgable!! It's a pleasure every time I get to talk to him! And now he is going to be speaking at our OS!!! Can't wait!! Bette find some cash!!!
I think my plants put out new growths twice a year. I could be wrong because I don't keep track but I think at least twice. Probably more when the plants are specimen size. It will be interesting to see how all the plants grow!
Originally Posted by bballr4567
Wynn Dee,
My orchid does seem healthy. I hope it'll put out a new pbulb here soon. There were 4 active root tips that noticed on my quick glance.
The plants just finished maturing their last growths. They usually bloom in the winter. Mine just bloomed in February. So they are probably taking a little break right now. I just got a new one for the project today. I will post pics soon.
Yes, these are VERY tiny plants. At least lack of space isn't an excuse for people to back out of the project! They will bloom even with a few growths, mine had 5 when it bloomed, and it put out 2-3 leads a year. In 3 years it had filled out quite a lot, which made me exceptionally ticked off when it died.
I've finally planned out my list of TCs, so I'm ordering today! They should arrive late next week.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....