Just one TC?!
How do you do it?
Coming along with my project plant are a Sedirea japonica, Enc. campylostalix, Epi. pseudoepidendrum var. alba, and Epi. 'Black Comet'
Though with all of the renaming of the cockleshell Epi/Enc/Prosthechea/Anacheiliums, there seems to be some confusion about this last one. From what I can tell, it is now called Cattleychea Miva Etoile Noire 'Black Comet'. Miva Etoile Noire seems to have been registered as Epc. Etoile Noire (C. bowringiana X Epi. cochleatum) in 2000 by Michel Vacherot. There is a photo of it on the
Vacherot website.
The 'Black Comet' clone looks particularly nice (in my unbiased opinion!
) I found someone's photo of it