Okay everyone, I am extremely sorry for the long wait, I have been a little busy, but the project lives on! Now to start the pool, and this will be done in three stages. The first, will be between all of the plants, with you being able to choose multiple ones, and after that, I will knock it down to the top 15, do another poll, knock it down to 7, and then the final poll. If you are not a participant, please refrain from voting, even though it is fun. If you wish to participate, then sign up here:
The reason for the multiple voting is so that there will a greater number of votes cast, so we will be able to better see which ones will move on to the next stage in to voting contest. I feel like this will make it more fair because you won't have just everyone's top choice, which will be hard in a list of 32, but everyone's second and third and so on choice, and so it will be easier to decide. If you still can't decide, vote for the WHOLE list!