Summer Project 2011 - Canada version?
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View Poll Results: Would you participate in a Canadian Member's Project.
YES! 6 46.15%
Most likely. 5 38.46%
If there is more than one, eventually. 0 0%
Probably not. 2 15.38%
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Old 05-07-2011, 01:22 PM
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Summer Project 2011 - Canada version? Male
Default Summer Project 2011 - Canada version?

I have recently been looking at the member's projects, and I was thinking how I would LOVE to do one, but I realize how the point is to order the same plant from the same nursery, and all of them have been in the US, obviously due to the LARGE amount of members in the US. Sooooo, I was thinking, and I would like all of the mods opinions and the ones of my fellow Canadians. Who thinks we should do a member's project for those living in Canada, where we could all buy a plant from a Canadian vendor, such as Paramount or Cloud's etc etc, and follow the same course as a normal project. I definitely think we should start this, just like the ones for the US members. Of course, we need the approval of the mods, and a good amount of Canadian members. So, who's with me?

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Old 05-07-2011, 01:41 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I can see no reason why a Canadian centered project could not be run if there were enough people and a volunteer to run it. Anyone can run a project, not all have been run by moderators, before the last one Dave (Flhiker) ran several and he was just a volunteer. All it needs is someone to stand up and organise it (I can't do another right now) and people to take part.

That having been said, the more recent projects don't need everyone to get it from the same vendor. People from Europe are taking part in the latest one and the USA participants are free to buy from any vendor.

In previous projects we have had a requirement for the plants to also be available in Canada, but there have not been any Canadian participants in the last couple and as there didn't seem to be any in this project the requirement was not made.

It does seem in recent projects that the plants available in Canada are often different to those in the USA. Europe seems to have more common ground in many ways.

One thing I would say is that it would be best if not limited to Canada. I would propose that you base it on plants available in Canada and base the rules around suitable prices in Canada, but if others can get hold of the plant in their own country and want to take part then why not let them... that's just my thought though.

Anyway, if you can get enough support and want to start one then I can make your threads sickies like the existing projects.
Old 05-07-2011, 01:47 PM
Call_Me_Bob Call_Me_Bob is offline
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Summer Project 2011 - Canada version? Male

just wondering, can you get gastrochilus japonicus for a reasonable price in Canada? Because if you can why don't you just join in the aping project. Lots of us haven't even ordered!

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Old 05-07-2011, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by RosieC View Post
I can see no reason why a Canadian centered project could not be run if there were enough people and a volunteer to run it. Anyone can run a project, not all have been run by moderators, before the last one Dave (Flhiker) ran several and he was just a volunteer. All it needs is someone to stand up and organize it (I can't do another right now) and people to take part.

That having been said, the more recent projects don't need everyone to get it from the same vendor. People from Europe are taking part in the latest one and the USA participants are free to buy from any vendor.

In previous projects we have had a requirement for the plants to also be available in Canada, but there have not been any Canadian participants in the last couple and as there didn't seem to be any in this project the requirement was not made.

It does seem in recent projects that the plants available in Canada are often different to those in the USA. Europe seems to have more common ground in many ways.

One thing I would say is that it would be best if not limited to Canada. I would propose that you base it on plants available in Canada and base the rules around suitable prices in Canada, but if others can get hold of the plant in their own country and want to take part then why not let them... that's just my thought though.

Anyway, if you can get enough support and want to start one then I can make your threads sickies like the existing projects.
Hmmm, I didn't know all of that, I just remember reading on a few of the member's projects that all of the people were ordering from one vendor, so I assumed that it was limited to those who were in the US or those who were willing to pay a little extra. And I have noticed that the plants available here are a little different than down in the US. I am willing to run this, you just need to PM me with all the specifics I need. And I am completely open to have others join in with this, but like I said, the reason I did this is so that there could be some Canadians involved with this. But if this also gets members from other countries involved, that would be awesome.

Originally Posted by help View Post
just wondering, can you get gastrochilus japonicus for a reasonable price in Canada? Because if you can why don't you just join in the aping project. Lots of us haven't even ordered!

You can call me Bob

"have no fear, help is here!"
I don't think that is available here.

And as a final note, to lessen the stress on people who are in other countries and are already doing the Spring Project, I was thinking of making this a Summer project, which will give members a good amount of time to think about this, and to decide if they want to participate in it.

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Old 05-07-2011, 02:42 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Originally Posted by TheBlazingAugust View Post
Hmmm, I didn't know all of that, I just remember reading on a few of the member's projects that all of the people were ordering from one vendor, so I assumed that it was limited to those who were in the US or those who were willing to pay a little extra.
That was the case in the early projects, but as OB expanded with more people from around the world the projects were opened up. I first took part a couple of years ago from here in the UK.

Originally Posted by TheBlazingAugust View Post
I am willing to run this, you just need to PM me with all the specifics I need.
PM just sent.

Originally Posted by TheBlazingAugust View Post
And I am completely open to have others join in with this, but like I said, the reason I did this is so that there could be some Canadians involved with this. But if this also gets members from other countries involved, that would be awesome.
I think you want to set your criteria based around the plants being available in Canada and the prices being reasonable in Canada, that way it will make it easy for Canadian members, others then only join in if they are able to get the plant and want to join.

I wonder if there is any way to find a list of Canadian members to send them a PM to ask about this. Unfortunately I don't think there is

Last edited by RosieC; 05-07-2011 at 02:44 PM..
Old 05-07-2011, 04:25 PM
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Is there a way we could give this a little more publicity, Rosie?

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Old 05-07-2011, 04:54 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I'll ask Sue, I'm not sure. I can't as a moderator, but the Admins might be able to.
Old 05-07-2011, 05:01 PM
flhiker flhiker is offline
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Like Rosie said I have organized a couple projects in the past and have had Canadian participants. The problem is unfortunately most of the suggested plants could not be found in Canada.That is why I wanted participants to suggest plants that THEY can find in EU, US and Canada. If the plant can be found in Canada it is most likely found in the US and EU. So Rosie is right by saying, that you should allow any and all people to participate. Also the number of Canadian's fell off in recent projects. Good luck and if you need any help don't hesitate to ask.
Old 05-07-2011, 05:10 PM
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It's now on FB/OB
Old 05-07-2011, 05:29 PM
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Thanks Sue!

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