I finally got my project plant at the end of last week.
It came from the same grower I got the same plant from back in summer last year.
It does not look in as 'good' condition. The leaves are 'beaten up' but roots looking OK . It has also previously flowered.
I look forward to making it look as good as my other one and getting it to flower too next year?

Here they are both today:
first photo - plant just received
second photo - plant received summer 2010
Next are my TC's... I decided to stick with Gastrochilus this time round.
3rd photo - TC Gastrochilus bellinus- has a baisal Keikie but may be crown rotted? to be seen...
4th - TC Gastrochillus somai Taiwan - 2 plants in one! - this from a different grower. Thanks to Camille!