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03-05-2011, 12:34 PM
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Plant Suggestions:
Aerangis biloba - IOSPE
Size -- <10" (Hausermann)
Temp - Warm to Hot (IOSPE)
------- 80s/60s year round (OW)
------- Intermediate - Warm (Hausermann/Nardatto)
Hausermann $15
Oak Hill $15
Carolina $18
Botanica $20
Großräschener €15
Orchideen lucke €8.90
Nardotto €12.50
Schwerter €9.95
Elsner - €14
Orchidspecies £15
Aerangis fastuosa -IOSPE
Size -- 5.5" (Nardotto)
Temp - Hot grower (IOSPE)
------- Mid 70s/mid 60s, winter 10F cooler (OW)
------- Intermidiate (Großräschener)
------- Min 60s (Orchid Species)
------- Intermediate to warn (Nardotto)
Hausermann $12.99
Oak Hill $18
Großräschener €14
Schwerter €12.95
Elsner - €13
Nardotto €14
orchidspecies £15
Angreacum didieri - IOSPE
Size -- up to 8"
------- 5 - 6cm (Großräschener)
Temp - Hot to cool temperatures w/ high humidity (IOSPE)
------- Low 80s/mid 60s, winter 10F cooler (OW)
------- Intermediate to Warm; 58°F min. to 88°F max (Andy's Orchids)
------- Intermediate (Großräschener)
------- MIN TEMPERATURE 16C / 60F (Orchid Species) MIN TEMPERATURE16C / 60F
hausermann $13
Andy's Orchids $24
Carolina $25
Botanica $45 (and they state limited availability)
Großräschener €17
popow €11
Orchideen lucke €12.90
Elsner €15
orchidspecies £15
Ascocentum ampullaceum - IOSPE
Size -- under 8" (Hausermans)
Temp - Hot to Cool (IOSPE)
------- day mid 80s/night low 70s. winter down to 20F cooler, nights in 50s (OW)
------- interm-warrm (Hausermans/Nardotto)
------- intermediate (Großräschener)
Großräschener €27
Orchideen lucke €14.90
Elsner €12
Ascocentrum curvifolium - IOSPE
Size -- 6-8"
------- <16" (Hauserman)
------- compact (botanica)
Temp - interm-warm (Oak Hill, Botanica , Nardotto)
------- high 80s/mid 70s. winter same, but nights a bit cooler (OW)
OAKHILL $15 (not blooming size)
Bulbophyllum ovalifolium - IOSPE
Size -- leaf span 2"
Temp - Intermediate (Andy’s Orchids)
------- Cool to Warm (IOSPE)
------- Warn (Großräschener)
------- high 60s/mid 50s year round, +/- 7F (OW)
Andy's Orchids $20
Großräschener n €15
Popow €14
Orchideen Kopf Shop €18
Dendrobium aberrans - IOSPE
Size -- 2-8"
Temp - Cool to warm growing (IOSPE)
------- high 70s/low 60s year round (OW)
------- intermediate-cool (Nardatto)
andysorchids $20
popow €12
nardottoecapello €12.50
Großräschener Orchideen €17
Dendrobium jenkinsii
Size -- 2.5-4"
Temp - intermediate (Großräschener)
------- 85/72, Winter 75/ high 40s (OW)
Andy's Orchids - $18
Popow- 12€.
Großräschener - 23€
Dendrobium unicum - IOSPE fragrant!!
Size -- Seems anywhere up to arround 9"
Temp - warm in summer, cool in winter (IOSPE)
-------- Low 80s/high 60s, winter slightly cooler, spring days + 10F
Schwerter 10€,
Orchids by Hausermann $13
Andy's Orchids $20
J&L orchids $20
CarolinaOrchids $20
Dendrochilum tenellum - IOSPE
Size -- 12-16"
Temp - Warm to cool (IOSPE)
-------- low 70s/low 60s. Can't tolerate cooler than that, but can take slightly warmer (OW)
Andy's Orchids $20
J&L Orchids $20
Nardotto e Capello 12.50€
Großräschener 18€
La Canopée 18€
Doritis pulcherrima - IOSPE
Size -- Up to 6"
Temp - Hot to warm (IOSPE)
-------- summer 88/74 (day/night) Winter 85/65. Can adapt to +/-8F (OW)
-------- interm-warm (Nardotto, Schwerter)
Parkside Orchids $20 ('white' or 'pink')
Hausermann's : $8 or $10
Popow-Orchid s - 11 or 17€
Nardotto: 14€
Orchideen Lucke: 12,90€
Dryadella edwallii
Size -- <6”
Temp - Warm to cool (IOSPE)
------- intermedite-code (Schwerter)
------- intermediate (Großräschener)
Andy's Orchids - $20.00
Santa Barbaba - $17.50
Schwerter 9.95€
Großräschener 18.00€
Encyclia bractescens
Size -- small <12”
------- 6"-8" (Großräschener)
Temp - Hot to warm (IOSPE)
-------- Intermediate-cool (Schwerter)
-------- Intermediate-warm (Oakhill, Nardotto)
-------- Intermediate (Online-Shop, Großräschener)
Hauserman $12.99
Oakhill $15.00
Sta. Barbara $17.50
Schwerter €14.95
Online-Shop €12.00
Großräschener €17.00
Nardotto e Capello Shop €12.50
Gastrochilus japonicus - IOSPE
Size -- Up to 3" tall
Temp - Intermediate to Warm (Nardotto)
------- Warm to cold (IOSPE)
------- High 70s/low 60s, winter 10F cooler (OW)
Nardotto e Capello €14.00
Oak Hill Gardens- $18
Holcoglossum amesianum - IOSPE
Size -- up to 2"
Temp - intermediate (Nardotto)
------- High 70s/65 winter 10/15 cooler (OW)
Oak Hill $15.00
Nardotto 14,00€
Holcoglossum subulifolium - IOSPE
Size -- up to 7"
Temp - intermdiate (Nardotto)
------- mid 70s/low 60s, winter nights cooler, low 40s (OW)
OakHill $15.00
Nardotto 14,00€
Laelia lundii - IOSPE
Size -- 3-7"
Temp - Intermediate (IOSPE)
------- High 80s/high 60s, winter 6F/10F cooler (OW)
------- Intermediate (Nardotto)
Botanicaltd - $15
Nardotto e Capello 12,50€
Oeoniella polystachys - IOSPE
Size -- Up to 24", but usually shorter
Temp - Intermediate to cool (IOSPE)
-------- Mid 80s/mid 70s year round
-------- Growers report it grows well intermediate, but better when warm.
Oak Hill Gardens $18
Nardotto e Capello Shop €12.50 Euros (Flowering size), €14 Euros (with spike)
Paphiopedilum concolor
Size -- <12”
Temp - Hot to warm (IOSPE)
------- Warm to Intermediate (Ramón)
------- Intermediate- cool (Schwerter)
------- Intermedite-warm (Online-Shop)
Hausermann's: $12.50
Schwerter 14.95€
Online-Shop (var. hennisianum) 22.00€
Paph delenatii - IOSPE
Size -- leafspan 8"
Temp - hot to warm environment (IOSPE & Nardotto)
------- Intermediate (Oak Hill Gardens)
------- High 70s/mid 60s, winter 10F lower (OW)
Oak Hill Gardens -$15
Nardotto e Capello - 20,00€
Trichopilia tortilis - IOSPE
Size -- 12"
Temp - Intermediate to Warm (Orchids By Hausermann)
------- hot to warm (IOSPE)
------- mid 70s/high 50s, winter days slightly warmer and nights slightly cooler. (OW)
Orchids By Hausermann $15
Großräschener Orchideen 18€
Not Suitable:
Ancistrochilus rothschildianus
No USA Vendor
Size -- small <12”
Temp - Hot to cool (IOSPE)
--------Intermediate-cool (16-22°C) (Schwerter)
--------Intermediate-warm (Nardotto)
Schwerter Orchideenzucht 12.95€
Nardotto e Capello Shop 14.0€
Barbosella cucullata - IOSPE
Too cold growing
Size - miniature <6”
Temp - Cool to cold (IOSPE)
------- Intermediate (Online Shop)
------- Intermediate-cool (Andy's)
------- Intermediate (Großräschener)
------- Cool (Schwerter)
Andy's Orchids $16.00
Online-Shop €12.00
Großräschener $15.00
Schwerter €9.95
Broughtonia sanguinea
Not BS at Marble Branch Farms and they have also indicated they would not have enough. Therefore no USA vendor.
Size -- small <12”
------- 4" - 6" (Schwerter)
Temp -Hot to Warm (IOSPE)
-------- intermediate to warm (Schwerter, Online Shop)
-------- intermediate to warm
Carolina 25-35$
Sta Barbara 25$
Marble Branch Farms $18
Orchid Web $50
Schwerter €14.95
Online-Shop €22.00
Cochleanthes discolor - IOSPE PHOTOS
Only USA vendor cannot be used due to quarantine in some states.
Santa Barbara Orchid Estate $17.50
Orchideen Kopf Shop €18.00
Dendrobium cuthbertsonii
Too cold growing
Dendrobium kingianum
Too cold growing
Size - 3-26"
Temp - cool (Großräschener)
------- 75/58 winter 60s/low 40s (OW)
Andy's Orchids - $10-$16
Großräschener - 16€
Dendrobium mohlianum - IOSPE
Size -- 20"-28"
Temp - Hot to cool (IOSPE)
------- high 70s/high 60s year round, but can take cool to warm (OW)
J&L Orchids $18
La Cour des Orchidées 20€
Encyclia cochleata - IOSPE
Size -- 10-23"
Temp - Intermediate to hot (IOSPE)
------- 80F/60F, winter 10F cooler. Can take +/-10F easily (OW)
J&L Orchids $18
Hausermann's starting at $10
Nardotto e Capello 12.50€
Großräschener 16€
Schwerter 13€
Gastrochilus bellinus - IOSPE
Too Large
Size - leaf span up to 18"
Temp - warm to cool growing (IOSPE) - mid 70s/low 60s, winter 8F/15F cooler (OW)
oakhillgardens $18
nardotto €15
Laelia sincorana - IOSPE
Only USA vendor does not have bloomming size
Size -- 3-5"
Temp - Warm to cool temperatures (IOSPE)
------- low 70s/high 40s, winter 7F cooler (OW)
------- intermediate-warm (Nardotto)
Nardotto e Capello 14€ for the standard one, 15€ for the var coerulea
Popow 16€, var coerulea
Orchideen-Lucke 16€, var coerulea
Oak Hill Gardens $18
Ascocentrum christensenianum - IOSPE
Size - 6-16"
Temp - interm-warm (Nardotto)
------- 90/75, winter 5-10F cooler (OW)
Großräschener €16
Baptistonia echinata
Size - small <12”
Temp - Cool to hot (IOSPE)
-------- Intermediate-cool (Schwerter)
-------- Intermediate-warm (Online Shop)
-------- Intermediate (Nardotto)
Sta. Barbara 25$
Schwerter Orchideenzucht 9.95€
Online-Shop 14.00€
Nardotto e Capello Shop 12.5€
Bifrenaria harrisoniae
Size -- <24”
------- 10" (Schwerter)
Temp - Warm to cool (IOSPE)
-------- intermediate (Schwerter, Nardotto)
Botanica $22.50
Schwerter 17.95€
Großräschener 15.00€
Nardotto 14.0€
Bulbophyllum hirundinis
No USA Vendor
Size -- miniature <6”
Temp - Warm to cool (IOSPE)
-------- Intermediate-cool (Schwerter)
-------- Intermediate (Online-Shop)
Schwerter Orchideenzucht 14.95€ / Intermediate-cool (16-22°C)
Online-Shop 12.00€ / intermediate
Ceratostylis philippinensis - IOSPE PHOTOS
Size......1 1/2" Miniature
Andy's Orchids $25
Orchideen Kopf Shop €18
Chiloschista viridiflava (Leafless species!!)
Size - <6”
Type - Hot to cool (IOSPE) - Warm (Schwerter) - Intermidate (Online-Shop) - intermediate-warm (Nardotto)
Botanica - $25
Carolina - $25
Schwerter 14.95€
Online-Shop 12.00€
Nardotto e Capello Shop 14.0€
Dendrobium capituliflorum
Size - <12”
Temp - Cool to Hot (IOSPE) - intermediate-cool (Schwerter) - intermediate-warm (Online-Shop)
Andy's Orchids - $24 & $28
Schwerter 9.95€
Online-Shop 12.00€
Dendrobium tannii (Dendrobium bracteosum var. tannii)
Size - (miniature version of C. bracteosum)
Temp - Hot (IOSPE)
------- Warm to Intermediate (Ramón)
------- intermidiate-cool (Schwerter)
------- intermediate (Online-Shop)
Schwerter 14.95€
Online-Shop 10.00€
Need USA Vendor Info
Habenaria medusa (Habenaria myriotricha)
Size - <24” when in bloom
Temp - Hot to cool (IOSPE) dif. Info for medusae and for myriotricha
------- Hot to Cool (Schwerter)
Andy's Orchids - $125
Schwerter - 12.95€
Also suggested as too difficult
Hexisea bidentata
Size - miniature <6”
Temp - Hot to cool (IOSPE)
-------- Intermediate (Großräschener)
Großräschener 19.00€
Need USA Vendor Info
Ionopsis utricularioides
Size - <12”
Type - Warm to cool (IOSPE)
------ Hot-cool (Schwerter)
Schwerter 14.95€
Need USA Vendor Info
Phalaenopsis braceana
Size - <6”
Temp - Warm to cool (IOSPE)
------- warm-intermediate (Schwerter)
------- intermediate (Online-Shop)
------- warm (Großräschener)
Andy's Orchids - $30
Schwerter 17.95€
Online-Shop 14.00€
Großräschener 25€
Phalaenopsis wilsonii
Size -- <6”
Temp - Warm to Cool (IOSPE)
------- warm-intermediate (Schwerter)
------- intermediate (Online-Shop)
------- intermediate - (Großräschener)
No USA Vendor Info
Schwerter 17.95€
Online-Shop 14.00€
Großräschener 27€
No Europe Vendor
Capanemia micromera
Leptotes tenuis
Maxillaria Madida
Dendrobium laevifolium - IOSPE PHOTOS
Hausermann - $15.95
Großräschener Orchids €25.00
Paphinia cristata - IOSPE
Size - 7"
Temp - low 80s/low 60s year round (OW)
Oak Hill $15.00
Ascocentrum pumilum - IOSPE
Duplicate of Previous Project
Sedirea japonica
Duplicate of Previous Project
Size -- 6-8" (Hauserman)
Temp - Intermediate-Warm (Oakhill)
-------- Intermediate (Großräschener, Schweter)
Hauserman $12.95
Oakhill $15.00
Großräschener €13.00
Orchid Lucke €9.90 (too small)
Schwerter €9.95
Orchid Species £12.99
Chiloschista lunifera (miniature <6”)
Too Difficult for group project
Hot to cool (IOSPE)
Leafless species!!
Orchideen und Orchideenzubehör der Schwerter Orchideenzucht 12.95€ /warm (22-26°C)
Online-Shop 2 different varieties at 12.00€ each / intermediate
Nardotto e Capello Shop 14.0€ /intermediate-warm
Phalaenopsis schilleriana
Too Large
Size - leaves 6-18" long -
Temp - Hot grower (IOSPE)
Temp - high 80s/low 70s year round (OW)
Phalaenopsis stuartiana
Too Large
Size - leaves 12-18"
Temp - Warm grower (IOSPE)
Temp - low 80s/low 70s, winter slightly cooler (OW)
Phalaenopsis pulchra
Can't find USA Vendor
Size - leaf span under 12"
Temp - Cool to warm growing (IOSPE)
Temp - mid 80s/high 60s, winter 10F cooler (OW)
Dendrobium cuthbertsonii
Too Cold Growing
Cochlioda sanguinea
Can't find USA Vendor
Rodriguezia lanceolata
Huge thanks to everyone who's made suggestions and/or has helped find the information about the plants. 
Last edited by RosieC; 03-24-2011 at 03:04 PM..

03-05-2011, 01:21 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: middle of the Netherlands
Posts: 13,782
Don't forget Nardotto e Capello in the EU list!! Don't know why they aren't listed, IMO they're one of the best EU growers. Nardotto e Capello Shop
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
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03-05-2011, 01:26 PM
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Thanks Camille, I thought I had seen that on the list I copied from one of the older projects but I must have seen it on a different list (I looked through a few old project posts grabbing useful bits of text to re-use!)

03-05-2011, 02:20 PM
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Sorry to be a pain but, since I haven't taken part in one of these before, I notice that the minimum order for some of the EU places is 25 Euros (and from what I can tell, Nardotto e Capello has a minimum order of two plants). Assuming that I've read the web-sites correctly, is that going to prove a problem for the 20 Euro max on our spending?

03-05-2011, 02:37 PM
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I would be interested - if the chosen species is Phal. shilleriana or Phal. stuartiana or Phal. pulchra.
The first two are relatively easy to find in almost any nursery, unexpensive, and shouldn't be missing from any Phalaenopsis collection.

03-05-2011, 03:05 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: middle of the Netherlands
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Originally Posted by Jennyfleur
Sorry to be a pain but, since I haven't taken part in one of these before, I notice that the minimum order for some of the EU places is 25 Euros (and from what I can tell, Nardotto e Capello has a minimum order of two plants). Assuming that I've read the web-sites correctly, is that going to prove a problem for the 20 Euro max on our spending?
If that's a problem for people (but shouldn't be if you get TCs  ) then it could be possible to ask someone to buy the plant with theirs and then ship it for you. If we start dropping those growers, we're losing some of the best ones, that have the largest catalogues.
Originally Posted by Val
I would be interested - if the chosen species is Phal. shilleriana or Phal. stuartiana or Phal. pulchra.
The first two are relatively easy to find in almost any nursery, unexpensive, and shouldn't be missing from any Phalaenopsis collection.
Where do you see Phal shilleriana in Europe? I've looked all over to get it for myself, but have only seen seedlings. I'd love to know where to get one! But, I think this one and stuartiana are too large for the project.
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
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Last edited by camille1585; 03-05-2011 at 03:15 PM..

03-05-2011, 03:13 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: middle of the Netherlands
Posts: 13,782
Ok, I already have a few suggestions, and they are all minis. I'm working through my list, checking criteria and growers so should have some more to post later/tomorrow.
Gastrochilus bellinus - IOSPE
OH- $18
Nardotto 15€
Aerangis fastuosa IOSPE listed at hot grower, but I've seen lots of info elsewhere (and on Orchidwiz), decribing it as an intermediate-warm grower
OH- $18
OS- £15
Nardotto- 14€
Angreacum didieri - IOSPE
OBH- $13
OS- £15
Popow 11€
Dendrobium aberrans- IOSPE
AO- $20
Popow- 12€
Nardotto- 12.50€
GO- 17€
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
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Last edited by camille1585; 03-06-2011 at 01:47 PM..

03-05-2011, 06:38 PM
Join Date: Jun 2007
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I would love to take part.
Howeara Lava Burst Mounted would be an easier grower.

03-05-2011, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by camille1585
Where do you see Phal shilleriana in Europe? I've looked all over to get it for myself, but have only seen seedlings. I'd love to know where to get one!
Elsner orchids
Orchideen Lucke
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