Deadline for plant suggestions has now passed!
Suggestions should be from people who are taking part in the project.
Sign up here. But, hey if anyone has a good suggestion I'm willing to take it
Plant Criteria:
Species only
$20/€20 max. (shipping not included)
12"max plant size (can be 16" including spike)
Blooming Size
Intermediate Temp. grower (may vary slightly)
Available in the USA and Europe. UK and Canada requirements may be added depending on participants.
We won't use plants already used in previous projects. Please see link here for a list.
Previous Project Plants
Info to provide with each suggestion
1. Plant name
2. Link to ISOPE (if possible)
3. Link to a USA vendor
4. Link to a European vendor
(Vendor links should be to a blooming size plant within the price range).
Some US vendors (you can use who ever you want just make sure they have good stuff)
Orchids By Hausermann = OBH
Oak Hill Gardens = OH
Andy's Orchids = AO
Carolina Orchids Home Page = CO
Botanica Ltd. - orchids are our specialty = BO
European Vendors and Search Engine
Großräschener Orchids = GO
Popow Orchids = PP
Orchid Species = OS
Burnham Nursary = BN
Orchid By Peter White = PW
David Stead Orchids = DS
Orchideen Lucke = OL
Schwerter t = SO
Elsner Orchideen = EO
Nardotto e Capello Shop = NC
IOSPE link:
Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia