Mine is doing nothing.

I bought it potted and had a lot of trouble with mine. Thats my luck! At first I waited to water until the moss was crunchy and the roots started drying up. Then I decided to mist lightly each morning and before long a white fuzzy fungus/mold started growing all over the outside of the pot. So I pulled it out and mounted it on the only thing I had which was a swampstick. (thank you Becca!) So I'm not really sure if it's happy or not but the leaves still look good I guess. I mounted it with a little moss and it never really seems to dry out much. I'm hoping that will be okay but only time will tell.

Leave it to me to have problems. I hope I'm not meant to grow only phals! Maybe I'm not getting the hint or something...
p.s. to add to my dwindling confidence issues I just discoved that I killed another cactus. That wasi innocent cactus victim #4. Who kills cactii???? How
can I grow orchids when I can't keep a cactus alive?
So sorry about this, had to vent!!!