This is a closed will be used to track who has received their plants and whether the plants arrived with spikes or not:
1. rsfrid
2. DasEmpress
3. quiltergal...arrived potted and in spike...on 8/8/07...bloomed on 12/4/07
4. RPfeiffer...arrived potted on 8/25/ spike...bloomed on 12/5/07
5. cartercashfan (Germany)
1. cb977...arrived potted on 8/8/ spike
2. MariaOB
3. OrchidTess
4. shakkai (UK)...arrived potted on 8/8/07...changed to a spike
5. flhiker...arrived on 8/11/ spike
6. KEGinMichigan
7. caseydoll
8. gixrj18
9. luckygrower
10. Phallgirl
11. jim blanford...arrived on 8/11/07, no spike...spiked on 9/14/07...
12. IowaOrchid...arrived potted, no spike on 8/11/07...spiked on 10/15/07 and BLOOMED on 12/7/07!

13. IdahoOrchid
14. Bird Song Farm
15. gmdiaz
16. esungirl
17. Djarum Black
18. frdemeter (Brazil)...purchased, potted, on 8/14/07...spiked on 10/26/07
19. Pinkcat
20. sjMagoo...arrived, potted on 8/15/ spike
21. Dorothy
22. khill...arrived potted, no spike, on 8/14/07
23. Lin
24. Bradfo69
25. justatypn