I think I would feel the same, if my potential spikes turn out to be growths.
I would be disapointed, but at the same time it would mean my plant had gone from 3 growth points to 8 which can only be good news. At the momment I think it has 4 growth points (so one extra from it's last round of growths) and 4 spikes.
3 of the potential spikes are next to last years 3 new p-bulbs and each of those has a new growth on the opposite side of the bulb. The 4th is coming from a part of thy ryzome in the middle of the mount that has long ago lost it's bulbs and looks to be the oldest part of the plant. The 4th new growth is coming from a single bulb down the bottom of the mount where there has been no other sign of growth.
All in all I'm pretty pleased with this plant whether it flowers this year or not, but I would like it to flower as if it did it would be the first of any of my project plants to actually flower