gnathaniel |
07-31-2010 11:15 PM |
Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:)
(Post 332235)
Not Aussie Dens, Nat.
Aussie terrestrials. ;)
| I get it. Certainly would make for an interesting project. :D
Caladenia (this one might be too much of a challenge though)
Pterostylis and company
These would definitely be challenging to find. Pterostylis (nutans) is the only one I know I could get readily, but as it's not from a typical commercial source I don't know if other participants would have an easy time. NOW I see why you were suggesting importation... :lol:
Although the other lithophytic Dens from Australia are more commonly available and they're mini's. The challenge is to find them within the price range allowed for the project. Most are over the limit.
Den kingianum is beautiful, but it's also a weed. I own one.
SBOE has a bunch of the Rhizobium Dens, some for under $20. Carolina Orchids has some for around $20, and I think Botanica Ltd. has a few in that price range, too. Definitely can't argue about kingianum, I recently got rid of my biggest one because it took up too much room and wasn't very fragrant.
Den cucumerinum
Den linguiforme
Den wassellii
Den rigidum
Great suggestions! I have the latter two already (I think, the rigidum came to me NOID and I haven't bloomed it yet) but I'd love to eventually grow all four.