Ok, so here are the pics of my new loddigesii.
(All these pics, not just the small ones, can be clicked on for a bigger version).
It seemed
very pale when I got it out the package. I'm not sure if it's got darker now or whether I've just got used to it. It still looks quite pale compared to some of my other orchids, but it has been in box for almost a week.
As I said above I'm a little disapointed because it said it was mounted on the website. I might have to have a go at mounting it myself but that's a really nerve wracking idea and I'm really not sure about that.
It appears to have three keikis of various sizes. This Dendrobium is so delicate and small compared to my other Dens (all hardcane Dens with canes at least 10' in hight) that I think even the largest keiki (the first pic below) is really tiny and I have no idea when it will be big enough to remove.
It has a single flower bud on one of the canes. There is some damage to the bud (the other side from this pic) so we shall have to wait and see it it opens OK.
Finally I have spotted a new cane growing near the base.
All-in-all I'm very pleased with my new Den. Now to see if I can keep it alive