OK, thought I would start a thread to discuss our P. venustum project orchids.
Got mine a week ago, along with a few others

. Parkside was wonderful. I was very impressed.
This seemed to be the perfect opportunity to try out a radical idea that I have had. So, the day I received it, I transfered my P. venustum into a true hydroponic system (not semi-hydro). The plant is in a 3" net pot with Prime-agra. Roots are suspended in water with VERY light MSU fertilizer and rooting hormone. pH is adjusted to 6.7. The system uses an aquarium air pump to oxygenate the water and create vigorous motion.
I have LOTS of plants in S/H. Most plants, especially Paphs & Phrags, "sulk" when transfered - some more than others. However, the P. venustum in true hydroponics has not missed a beat. VERY perky looking plant. Roots have greened up nicely.
My intent is to eventually move the plant to a permanent S/H system after the roots have become more acclimated to an aqueous environment.
Guess we'll see how this works out.