Originally Posted by flhiker
I'm willing to help as well, but after the turn out for the article contest and last project, I don't think that many will participate. Having said that, We have always chosen species in past projects so maybe this time we can look at hybrids as well. After 8 or 9 projects we have all but exhausted available species to all. I know that everyone may not be able to get the same plant but maybe we can chose plants by region. In other words if people in the UK can't get the same plant maybe they can get a close relative of the same plant. As long as everyone there gets the same and everyone here gets the same as well. It still can be fun and a learning experience as well. Here's a list of ideas to think about
1 species only
2 miniature plants only
3 primary hybrids
4 Mystery plant (only the organizers know what it is)
5 choose a alliance (cattleya, neo's, bulbo's, ect...)
I don't really want to run the project but I am willing to help.
So who ever wants to run this project should start a sign up thread and start discussions about what to get.
There's no way I can do another project but hopefully somebody will step up like Dave did the last few times
Just wanted to throw out an idea...
use a species that has already been chosen as a project plant (no research necessary

) and then have participants find a hybrid using that species as one of the parents. You could get a very interesting mix of chids...the possibilities are endless.
On that note, I'm going to bed...nighty-night