For my own records I've been taking pictures of the status of all my chids just now so I thought I would share the ones of my spectabilis.
It's still just growing with no sign of flowers, but it looks healthy and has root growth and new lead growths, while older lead growths are developing p-bulbs.
Most of it is growing upright on the mount, but when I got it there were two lead growths out on the left which are now showing the first signs of p-bulbs inside the leaves when I hold it up to the light. I've also watched as two other p-bulbs have gone from nothing to fully formed.
As it is mounted and I have to water it every day I have found that I am watching it's progress very closely.
I've also watched as masses of new roots have grown between the mount and the newer growths, some of which can be seen in the picture above.
Finally in the last picture you can see four new lead growths at various stages. One of them at the lower left of the picture is struggling to push through between two other parts of the rhyzome.
I have a suspicion that this is actually two plants though. There is a place on the rhyzome which looks suspiciously like the cut end of one has been pushed up close to the side of another before it was mounted. It/they look happy where they are though so I don't want to disturb them to find out for shaw. Of course if it IS two plants that means two smaller plants that might be less likely to flower.
But I don't really care. Still really enjoying this plant, my first species, my first mounted chid and my first in this alliance (although I've bought others since).