I might have hit a snag already on this
I tried to buy from Großräschener Orchids in Europe last night and when it gets to PayPal it gives an error that the address the merchant supplied is invalid and it won't let me continue.
I was really glad a plant from Großräschener Orchids won, because other European sites would have caused me a problem because none of my bank accounts or credit cards are in Euros (all in GBP) and many of them have extra charges for that. I thought that the fact that Großräschener Orchids accepts PayPal would solve the problem.
I have checked and my address, as it is displayed on the Großräschener Orchids checkout page is EXACTLY what PayPal show on their website
All I can assume is that due to different address formats in Europe it is being submitted to PayPal incorrectly.
I'm going to email Großräschener Orchids and see if there is anyway arround this, because I really want to take part.